It's All Over

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I can't feel my legs, the urge to breakdown and sob in his arms as I struggle to remember what happened to me surfaces but I stop myself, remaining calm. "What are you doing here?" I frown, walking past him as my mom stands at the door, looking between us with a confused angry face. "I have been here the whole time, Rose told me you were being cleared so I stayed." He's doesn't make eye contact. "Oh.." I look at my mom with a worried look, "Can you give us a minute?" I ask, she nods and places my things onto the chair before backing up and closing the door behind her.

"Are you ok?" His voice fills the room. I shake my head and take a seat onto my bed, still completely speechless. "Why didn't you visit?" I croak, deciding not to go into details on my health right now. "I was scared.." he says. "Of what? What can you possibly be scared of?" I laugh sarcastically and he sighs before taking a seat on Rose's bed. "The results. Aliyah, I've been so lost. I wanted to be there for you but I can't help but blame myself-" "Why?" I frown, practically yelling. He looks at me confused, "What do you mean why? I brought Brennen into your life" He clenches his jaw, I look from his face to his hands which are trembling. "Br-rennen?" I croak, I can feel my stomach turn and the urge to throw up lingers. 

The memories from Monday start to flood back as I remember Brennen encountering me outside the library, Colby didn't show up with my dinner and so I left alone. "I didn't know what to do.." He says quietly, I stand to my feet, the rage building. "You didn't know what to do? Brennen did this to me Colby. I was in ICU for four days and you didn't even visit me. You know the worst about this? The last thing he said to me before he hit me was that it was for you." the tears start to trickle down my cheeks but it's the least of my worries.

He tries to talk but I cut him off, "Why were you even here? Don't you think that not being there for your girlfriend and at least helping her remember what happened to her is sick. Did you even tell the cops that Brennen did this? They were looking for you Colby. I didn't know if you did this or anyone else." I shake my head, the disbelief clear. "I want to deal with him myself." He says, looking down at his hands. "What is the end result of that? Prison?" I scoff, "You are way too selfish.." I step away from him, my eyes wander to my desk. 

My binder with all the notes from my meetings with Colby have somehow ended up on it instead of under my bed where I left them. "Why are these here?" I point towards them. Colby stands to his feet, "I found them..I didn't realise how much you cared" He croaks, "Exactly. I care about you because unlike you, I want to see you succeed and be happy Colby. If you were in my position, I would've been beside your hospital bed since the minute you were put in it" I bite my lip, wiping a few tears from my face. "I think I'm going to go home with my mom..I've done my assignment, which by the way..wasn't even about you. Luckily it saved to the website so I know Professor Cowden received it. I'll do any extra work in Phoenix" He frowns, "What?" He shakes his head, stepping towards me so he is closer to my face.

"I'm not staying here Colby. The cops are going to be looking into everything Brennen has done and does, They're going to go hard on people like Jake and Mitch. I don't need that right now. I need my family and I need to rest" I sob.

"You're not fucking leaving, after all this? You've done so much for me can't just get up and go" he cries out. My tear filled eyes fill more as I watch the sad little boy I once knew creep back to the surface.

"Colby..this, all this, it was temporary." I gulp, taking a step back from his body towering over me. I know I shouldn't have said it, but he hurt me and I know one of the things deep down I've always thought about was our relationship not going anywhere after I finished my project.

"Temporary!? You fucked with my head!" He screams, turning around and grabbing the binder of notes from my desk, throwing it against the wall.

My mouth parts at the scatter of paper on the floor. "Fuck you Aliyah. You didn't help me! You made me worse!" He spits, rushing past me he leaves me standing in the middle of my dorm room that I once loved and felt safe within. Tired and alone.


WOW! We've finally got the prologue into the actual book. We're almost finished guys, I'm going to be going back and editing and changing things once we're done. We only have a few chapters left. Thank you everyone for the support on this, I know I took a bit of a break and the reads have decreased. But if you're still loving it, thank you.

Hit me up on twitter - xplrerin

and keep your eyes peeled for more!

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