Pretty Boy

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I stand in the hall thinking about the moment me and Colby shared, lots of thoughts circle my head and I feel a headache coming on. I glance in the direction he went to his dorm and sigh before walking through my dorm door I previously unlocked. The room is lit up and Rose is sat on her bed reading a book, It must still be early.

"Hey" I smile, closing the door behind me I pull off my denim jacket, throwing it onto my bed.

"Hello, You were out for a while" She teases, sitting up on her bed she places her book on the bedside table between both our beds. "Yea, I met with Jake for a burger and ended up witnessing him get into a heated situation with Colby before Colby and I took a ride. We talked a bit" I smile slightly. I find myself a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from my drawer. "Oo, So you and Colby huh?" She lifts a brow causing me to laugh quietly. "No, I just need a client." I smirk and leave out the details about our moment before I came in here.

"I'm going to go get ready for bed, Did you go for dinner with your friends?" I ask, she nods, "Yep. They were inviting me to a party but I opted for a book and an early night" She smiles. I pull my phone out of the jacket I previously threw on the bed, The time reads 10pm, I place it back on the bed and head out the door with my toiletry bag.

I don't take long, brushing my teeth and fixing my hair into a bun, changing into my comfy clothes I head back down the hall, By the time I put my other clothes away and text my mom a goodnight message, Rose is already asleep. Turning off the lights that linger the room I climb inside my sheets and drift into a deep sleep.


"Shall we go to the mall today, We still haven't seen a lot of LA, We can grab some breakfast there" Rose chirps as she scouts through her dresser for an outfit. I look into the mirror on my desk, continuing to curl the ends of my hair. "Sure, I had no plans anyway" I shrug, finishing off the last piece of hair before pulling out my makeup bag. I add a little bit of blush and mascara to my natural face, Slapping on some nude gloss I stand to my feet. Rose has changed into some ripped jeans and a sweater. I find myself some jeans from my drawer and match it with a summery top, sliding into my white trainers and finishing my outfit with jewellery. I wait for Roselyn to fix her hair.

Hey dad! Seeing more of LA today. I hope you guys have a great weekend. Send my love <3 x I send my dad a quick text, grabbing my small bag I throw my money and phone into it before grabbing my sunglasses and following Rose out the door. It's quite late morning so the halls are surrounded with people, but it's mostly quiet. "Hey Rose" A voice sounds behind us, Rose stops and begins to chat. I glance up the corridor and see Sam and Colby heading in our direction, both are laughing and I can't help but notice how good Colby looks today. "Ready?" Rose asks as her friends walks away, I smile at her and get inside the elevator that's now waiting for us. A few other people step inside, Sam and Colby included. They don't seem to notice me so I just stare ahead.

"Do you know how to drive?" Roselyn asks as we exit the elevator, We walk together out the building. "Yea. But I told myself I'd get myself a part time job whilst I'm out here and buy my own car, Maybe I'll work on finding that job today. I have money for a car though." I smile and she nods, "Good ideas" She reaches into her bag, scouting for something I watch her frown, "Shit, I forgot my phone. Wait here?" She asks, I nod quickly and she rushes off back inside the dorm, I lean against the wall. "Hey" I glance up from my feet and lift my glasses from my face into my hair. "Hello" I smile at Colby who is now standing in front of me. I notice Sam is behind him so give him a nod too. "You look lost" Colby teases and I roll my eyes, "No just waiting for Rose" I bite my lip and he nods, "We're going to the mall if you need a ride somewhere?" He asks and I stand up from the wall. "Oh yeah sure, Uhm, We were heading there anyway. That'd be great" I flash a smile and with that Rose rejoins us. Sam fills her in as I follow Colby to the car, Rose and I climb into the back and we head off.

"Hey, girls, Kat and I are throwing a small costume party tonight if you guys want to come?" Sam asks, turning in his seat to look into the back. I glance at Rose who answers for the two of us, "Sure, Where?" She flashes her smile and Sam exchanges one, "Kat stays off campus. It's a few blocks away, I'll text you the address?" He asks and Rose gives him her number. "You don't need to be in costume but preferably and it starts at 7" He adds and sits back in his seat properly. I nod and glance ahead. I notice Colby staring through the mirror and glance away, cheeks flushing.

"Cool Cool" Roselyn chirps, The rest of the ride being quiet except from the distance sound of the radio playing through the car.

Colby parks pretty far from the door as the parking lot is busy. I wait for him as Sam and Roselyn head into the mall yapping about their majors, which happen to be on either ends of the spectrum as Rose is doing Nursing and I learned Sam is doing English. "I don't need a carer y'know" Colby says bluntly, walking ahead I sigh,  following behind. "You don't need to be ignorant, I was just being nice" I pull my sunglasses from my head and place them into my bag. "I know I'm just joking" He stops to begin walking at my pace. "About last night, I'm sorry I rushed off like that, It just..worried me I guess" He shrugs and I look at him, "Don't apologise" I bite my lip and stare in the distance as we walk. "God, you gotta stop doing that" He groans and I frown, stopping in my tracks. "You gotta stop telling me what to do" I say louder than usual causing him to laugh. "Calm down A, I was referring to the lip biting. It's hot" He coos, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear as he stands in front of me. My breath hitches, which he notices causing him to smirk. "I enjoyed my time with you yesterday, It was refreshing" I tilt my head and he steps closer, I find myself getting lost in his eyes, completely forgetting the fact we're in the middle of a parking lot and Sam and Rose are waiting for us.

"Is that why you asked to give us a ride? You just want to spend more time with me huh" I whisper and he nods, "Your special A" He mumbles and I smile, he steps back and leads the way into the mall with his hand in my mine. Sam is standing waiting with Rose who is still yapping on about classes, but Sam seems interested. Colby detaches his hand from mine before they see, which I can't tell if it's a bad thing or a good. We exchange goodbyes and Colby avoids eye contact with me as he mumbles a small "Bye". I glance at Rose who is staring at me with a raised brow as they head off, "Glowing are we?" She asks as we head towards the food court. "Let's just get some breakfast and I'll tell you". I really hope the choices I'm making with Colby are good. He's suppose to my client and I don't really know him. He could act this way with everyone, I shake off my thoughts about Colby as we grab some breakfast and sit together, I prepare to tell all.

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