Party Time

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Hanging out with Frannie and Will on the open-top bus has definitely made me realise how much I miss my home life. Their faces lighting up as we drove through Hollywood Boulevard and they seen the walk of fame, the emotion made me very grateful that all this is just under my nose.

"So this party you're making us attend tonight, is there a purpose? Birthday?" Will asks, I shake my head, finishing off the last of my salad. We're now at the mall grabbing food after our afternoon of touring. "Nah, It's a thing that occurs every weekend I'm sure. The girl that owns it has a big house and her parents never seem to be there" I chuckle. Fran remains straight faced whilst finishing her food, Will nods.

"So we need to find something cute to wear" I add, they nod. The mall is busy but it doesn't take us long to find the stores we want to go to and grab something to throw on this evening. I opt for some black jeans and a white crop top, something that almost resembles Colby's fashion. It is very interesting that even though he rocks a lot of black, he looks different every time you see him. "I'll call an Uber" I tell Will and Frannie as we head outside, the LA sun still shining. I forgot I didn't drive to the hotel or even here so I have no car.

I push my phone into my back pocket after I order us a Taxi, "So, How was your date in the end?" Fran asks, I look into the distance. She didn't ask this morning, I guess she was pretty pissed and didn't want to seem like she cared. "Well, it was romantic and definitely a perfect first date. It wasn't like him, all the nice gestures, but at least now that's over we can just grow to know each other more" I shrug, I can't help but have a smile on my face as I talk about him.

Fran doesn't comment any further as the Uber arrives, we all climb into the back with our shopping bags. "I'm going to nip back to the dorms and grab whatever things I need, and take a shower, I'll meet you guys at the hotel once I'm ready?" I tell them, "Sure" Will says.

"I'll even grab us something for pre-drinks, how does that sound?" I smile and Fran looks out the window, Will looks shocked at me being the one that wants to drink. When we used to spend our weekends having a drink here and there in Arizona, I was definitely forced into it majority of the time, I even remember pretending to pour alcohol into my cup a few times. Oh how things have changed.

"How?" He laughs and I shrug, "I'm sure Rose will have something." I lift a brow. I ask the driver to swing by the dorms first and then to their hotel, I reach into my pocket and give him the ten dollars I had earlier, reminding Fran I need to pay her back for the bus ride, and the remainder of this fare. I feel bad but I'm forgetful.

"Alright, I'll text you guys when I'm heading over to the hotel" I smile as I exit the vehicle, "Wait Aliyah, why don't you just text us the address and we'll meet you there?" Fran says, I tilt my head, looking at Will who looks away before looking back at her. "Sure sure, I'll see you there at 7 then" I look away as the driver takes off. That was rude.

"Hey" I mumble as I enter my dorm, Rose is sat at her desk, applying makeup. "Getting ready already?" I ask, laughing. She nods, "Girls gotta look cute" I smile. The time on the wall clock only reads 5pm, so I take my time to gather my things to hit the showers.


"How do I look" I ask Rose as I turn around, I've applied light makeup with some lip balm, waved out my hair and pulled myself into my new black jeans and a white crop top, paired with my white vans. "Cute" she smiles, "Do you have anything we can drink?" I ask, throwing myself down onto the bed. "Uh, yeah I think there is a bottle of whisky under my bed. It was a gift from my dad but I didn't dive into it, here" she reaches under the bed and hands me it, searching through her drawer for some cups. "These are all I have" she pulls out two mugs. I shrug, cracking open the bottle and pouring some into both. The taste definitely isn't familiar, causing me to cough, but after the burning sensation disappears I feel more confident.

I text Will the address as me and Roselyn climb into our cab, he replies almost straight away to let me know they're waiting on their car. "So how are things with you and Kendall?" I ask Rose, she smiles before answering. "Well, it's good but she's been acting strange lately, we were out for lunch and I think she was going to ask me to make things official but we kept being interrupted by her phone ringing and she eventually told me she had to go" she frowns and I mimic her. "Weird" I laugh quietly and she just nods.

Kat's house is just how I remember the previous time we were here, I pay the driver and step out the car, Roselyn follows my lead. I remembered to bring the cash to pay Fran back, maybe she won't be so stubborn with me. "Hey babe" Colby meets me at the door, suddenly I feel a lot more relaxed. Roselyn takes off to do her own thing and I place my hand into Colby's as he leads me to the kitchen, "Are you sure you want to have a drink after your pool incident" Colby mocks as he pours us both out something containing Gin, one of my mother's favourite drinks.

"Taste this" He hands me the drink, I take a sip and widen my eyes. "Oh that's yum" I laugh and he joins me, placing a hand on my back as he places a kiss on my cheek. I really like this Colby, not afraid of public affection, not worried Colby. He's definitely making me feel a lot safer and happier around him. "What's up lovebirds" I hear a voice sound from behind us, I recognise it straight away. "Brennen, sup dude" Colby removes his hand from me, fist bumping him, I just smile a little, Brennen whispers to Colby causing me to look away. My phone vibrates in my pocket which I'm grateful for, an excuse to remove myself from this situation.

"I'm going to grab my friends" I tell Colby and he just nods as I walk back to the door, Will has dressed down rocking some blue jeans and a T-shirt, although Fran opted for a short dress. "This place is massive" Will comments as I lead them instead, I laugh quietly.

"Aliyah!" I spot Jake as I walk towards the kitchen, "Oh Hey Jake, These are my home friends" I smile as Jake introduces himself. "Alright, come on let's grab you guys a drink" Jake takes over and I want to thank him for taking them from my hands so I can look for Colby again, but as we re-enter the kitchen he isn't around. I hope he hasn't went upstairs because I'm aware of the weed smoking. "You left your drink unsupervised." Colby's voice takes me from my thoughts and I smile, "Sorry. Colby meet William and Frannie" Will lifts a brow as he shakes Colby's hand, a bit too formal for Colby who stiffens. Fran just smiles and looks away which if I had a few more drinks, I would've commented on.

"Right guys clear the fuck out of the kitchen, it's called a house party for a reason" Brennen's voice booms through the kitchen, everyone scatters with laughter. He definitely has made me feel uncomfortable about being here but I just need to enjoy myself and try not to think about the fact that he is a drug dealing, hit man hiring idiot. If I keep myself around Colby and away from him I should be fine. Even though I can feel his burning eyes to the side of my head constantly. What is this guys issue.

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