Date Night

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I take time to find Luxe Sunset Boulevard hotel in my GPS before taking off. Oscar text me to let me know he picked Will and Frannie up ok and we should be arriving at the hotel at the same time. I mentally remind myself to tip Oscar for doing such a kind gesture. I would have like to have packed a bag and moved in with my friends in their hotel room till Monday but I do have to run my outfit choice for my date past Roselyn, she has some good fashion sense that could really help me.

"Aliyah!" Frannie drops her bag, running to me as I climb out my parked car outside the hotel, I smile, pulling her in for a hug which Will soon joins within. "I'm so glad you guys are here." I say excitedly.

"Thanks Oscar! You're literally such a great help" I smile at him before reaching in my bag for some cash. "Hey! No money. Your dad would want me to be checking up on you" he winks, pulling me in for a hug before departing in his fancy car.

I once again pull Will and Frannie in for the biggest hug before helping them with their luggage as they check in.

"The sun, the boys. All I expected" Will states, I chuckle, "Oh how I missed you." I side nudge him as the receptionist hands Fran a key.

"Look at these beds!" Fran throws herself onto one of the two double beds within the room. It's pretty huge. "Wow" I throw myself down beside her before Will joins us. "So Aliyah. This is your new home." I laugh, sensing the jealousy in his voice.

"Okay. I need to tell you guys something before it gets any later and I end up missing it.." I stand to my feet, turning towards them. "I have some news.." Will squints his eyes, "You're now a weed smoker." He says and I roll my eyes, "No!" I laugh.

"I'm going on a date tonight.." I start, I can see Fran's face fall so I look away, "I know you guys came here to visit me but this boy..we've been hanging out the last week and I really like him. It felt right for the date to be this weekend." Will smiles, "Your life is here now Ali. You need to do what you think is right so I'm sure the two of us can enjoy the hotel for the night."

I shake my head "No, I arranged my roommate to take you guys sightseeing. But first I need to take you guys to campus." I smile and Fran finally smiles too.

I let them change into cooler clothing before we head to campus. "So this boy.." Fran pulls on her sneakers, looking at me, "Is he a senior?" She lifts a brow and I shake my head, "Sophomore." "His name is Colby. We share the same floor on campus and I don't know..he has pulled at my heart strings." My cheeks flush at my honesty as we leave the room.

"So you could potentially have your first serious boyfriend?" Will asks, I shrug, "We'll have to see." I smile, taking the elevator with them.

I take the scenic route back to the dorms, the windows lowered to let the cool air of California fill the car. "If you guys don't want me to go on this date and spend time with you guys tonight, now is the time to speak up!" I say, looking at them both before concentrating on the road.

"Aliyah that's the dumbest thing you've ever said! Of course you need to go on the date." Will states, laughing. I smile, "I promise it'll only be a couple hours. We're just catching a bite to eat." They nod and I park up my car at the front of campus.

"So this is where I live" I lead the way inside, the faint smell of alcohol fills the air as we walk inside the dorms, people are beginning to get ready for the weekend starting. I glance at my watch, 5:30pm, I have an hour or so to look my best. "Why does is reek of vodka?" Will asks as we step inside the elevator, dramatically holding his nose. I laugh, "Fridays. Won't be long till the chancellor sends people round to check on our dorms." I roll my eyes.

Our floor is relatively quiet which I'm glad for, I may be able to shower in peace. "Hey Rose!" I enthusiastically enter the room, taking no time to begin to find the things I need. "This is Will and Frannie" I add, turning to them, Rose introduces herself and quickly the room fills with chatter.

"Alright I'm going to head for the showers, I'll be quick. Rose, look through my clothes?" I ask, Fran shifting slightly, I ignore and head out the door. I've never been the type of person to go full glam, have to look my best, for anything. Weddings and birthday parties I'll slap on the occasional red lipstick but that's about it. The nerves in my stomach begin to rise as I quickly wash the shampoo from my hair.

Just as I expected the showers were quiet, although the warm water is not helping the decrease the tension in my muscles.

"You really need to go shopping with me more." Roselyn complains as I re-enter the room, I take a seat at my desk and quickly brush out my hair before blow drying. Rose has left out a black bralette and black mesh shirt for over the top, blue jeans with a black belt and some black ankle boots, definitely all from her side of the room, I decide against arguing about the outfit as I trust her judgement.

I opt for slick straight hair instead of curled or an up-do. Music fills the room as Rose gets to know my childhood friends a bit more. "Alright so, what's the plan for tonight, chill or are you going to give him a kiss?" Fran asks, I smile, beginning to apply my makeup.

"Well they already did kiss" Rose states and a gasp escapes Will's mouth, "Oh" Fran mutters and I shake my head, "I don't know. We'll see what the atmosphere is like" I shrug, beginning to apply some mascara over my bronzed eye-look, finishing off with some lip balm.

"How do I look?" I stand to my feet, turning to them with my hair and makeup complete, although a towel covers the rest of my body. "Brilliant" Rose excitedly squeals, pointing to the outfit laid out.

The outfit at first makes me feel a bit revealing but I think back to the cat outfit Colby seen me in and it doesn't seem too bad. "Your boobs look grand." Will compliments me and I flash him a smile. "Alright, what time is it?" My nerves creep as I grow impatient, "7" Roselyn checks and replies, I take a seat to calm my nerves for a moment.

The knock at the door comes only a short while later and I stand back to my feet, eyes widening. Rose laughs quietly and gives me a hug before Frannie and Will do too. "Have fun seeing LA tonight guys. I trust Roselyn to be a perfect host." I wink, "Good Luck!" Will says, I grab my black bag containing my phone and money before answering the door, wide enough for Fran and Will to get a glimpse at the very handsome Colby. I stare at him for a moment as I scan his pushed back hair and the black shirt he is rocking.

"You look..Beautiful" Colby flashed his pearly white teeth as I exit into the hall with him. I look up at his eyes and notice the familiar red ring, but decide not to comment on the idea of him being high on our date, I really don't want this to go badly.

"Alright, I hope you don't mind but I asked Sam to drive us instead of an Uber" he smiles at me, "Oh I don't mind." I return a smile as he leads me outside with intertwined hands.

Sam's car is already warm and is far cleaner than Colby's, "Hey." I say as I climb into the back with Colby. "Hey lovebirds" he comments, reversing out of the parking lot. "Where are you taking her Colby?" Sam asks, Colby looks at me, "Melisse" I look away, he's taking me somewhere expensive, wow.

"Alright." I smile at Colby, enjoying the faint music that fills the car as our date begins.

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