Pool Party

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The sound of music echos off the walls around the house when we enter. My eyes dart to the clean white floors and walls which causes my jaw to drop. "Someone's got money" Roselyn scoffs and I laugh quietly. She leads the way to the kitchen and I follow, there are groups of people scattered around, the familiar red cups linger around the floor and tables. "Vodka, Cola?" Rose takes me from my thoughts as she stands at the counter grabbing whatever she can find off the counter, I nod and she hands me a full red cup.

"Aliyah!" Jake calls as he enters the kitchen, I removed my lips from the cup that I began to gulp down to remove the nerves of the crowded party. "Hey, You're here" I smile and he leans in for a hug, I lift my arm to stop spilling the cup creating a side hug. "More like, You're here" He laughs and I roll my eyes before joining him.

"It's a pretty big house so there's several rooms, majority of the party is in the lounge or at the pool area" Jake informs us, taking a swig from the beer bottle in his hand.

"Noted" I smile and take a sip from my cup. "I think I'm going to find Kendall from my bio class, she text me to let me know she was here" Rose tells me, I nod "You coming?" She asks and I decline, deciding to take myself outside to get some air. Jake follows but doesn't speak. The garden is lingering with people, some in the pool and some standing around dancing along to the music. I take a seat on a little wooden bench towards the back of the yard and place my cup on the grass. "Not much of a party goer are you" Jake says as he sits beside me.

"Nah, I mean I enjoy the company but in all honesty, sweaty young adults grinding on one another and playing truth or dare in a living room. Not my scene" I look ahead, sighing. "You took the time to dress up though" Jake mumbles and scoots closer. I look away, I hope he wasn't implying something because I'm way too nervous about the outfit already. "Just a bit of fun" I shrug, picking up my cup I take a huge gulp.

"Going for a refill" I stand to my feet with my cup, Jake grabs my hand and stands to his feet too. "Dance with me first?" He asks and I raise a brow, "What?" I snigger and he repeats "Dance with me. Cmon" He takes my cup from my hand and places it back onto the bench we were previously sitting on before pulling me to the area where everyone else is dancing. The music is still pretty fast paced which I'm thankful for. I'd say I'm pretty confident when it comes to public dancing, especially if the people around me are maybe a little drunk. They'll more than likely forget by the morning. Jake gathers a few cups of alcohol for us and the crowd of sweaty bodies moving around sends the vodka straight to my head and I begin to laugh, letting loose and letting my worries float away.

"I'll go get you another drink!" Jake calls over the sound of the music which now feels a lot louder. I nod "Thank you!" I squeal, deciding to dance alone until then. A few minutes pass and I become bored of dancing alone without Jake, looking at the pool I realise how close everyone is dancing to it, I giggle and pull the heels off my feet. "No Aliyah!" I hear a voice call out but I decide to ignore and dive head first into the surprisingly freezing pool.

I rise to the surface as some other people jump in, realising I may have started a pool party instead of the costume party. "Cmon" I swim to the end of the pool, Looking up I realise Colby is talking to me. He reaches out his hand and I grasp it as he helps me out of the pool, I look down and realise the once not so revealing outfit has became a damp clingy mess. "Why the fuck" I groan as he hands me a towel with a laugh. I glance at him, he's dressed in all black like normal but instead of his piercing blue eyes, they're red. I wonder if he smokes.

Once I've dried off as much as I can I thank Colby who gets me a fresh drink and tells me to stay out of trouble. I laugh it off and he returns to the crowded lounge. I find Roselyn and explain what happened but she's more drunk than me so she laughs instead of commenting on Colby. We spend sometime chatting in another room with chairs scattered around. I get to meet some of her friends from class which is pretty good for future if I wanted to hang out.

"Rose, fancy a chat upstairs?" Kendall asks, sitting forward and putting out her hand for Roselyn to reach for. I watch Rose nod and Kendall's tall self stands to her feet lifting Rose with her. I stare at them for a moment as they walk off before looking back at the group of people left. "I think they're banging" Jake's voice sounds as he sits where Roselyn was previously sat, I laugh. "Do you think?" I ask and he nods, "Yes! Kendall came out last year as a lesbian. So trust me, Roselyn will be next" He winks and I roll my eyes, finishing off the drink I have.

"Where's my drink by the way?" I tease and he looks at me confused before realising, "OH shit! I got distracted in the kitchen..Wait, Why are you wet?" I laugh and we walk to the kitchen together as I explain.

"Hey" I smile at a tall, tanned, dark haired boy that approaches me and Jake who are throwing every possible beverage into a cup. "You're Aliyah right?" The boy asks and I turn to face him, raising a brow. "Yep, That's me. You know me?" I question and he smiles, "I'm a friend of Sam and Colby's, Corey" He sticks out his hand and then frowns, realising it was a bit too formal. I look at him and realise his eyes are just as red as Colby's were, great, they smoke pot. I definitely need to bring that up in our next councel- I'm taken out of my thoughts, "Hello?" Corey waves his hand in my face and I laugh. "Sorry, Sorry. They spoke about me?" I question, taking the cup from Jake that he is handing me.

"Well, Put it this way. I've been friends with those boys for quite sometime, Even Jake here" He gestures to Jake who is far from drunk who just stares through him, "So I know when Colby is acting, y'know..Off?" He shrugs and I nod, taking a sip from my drink. "I heard he's like opening up to you. That's pretty deep, but it's good. He's so uptight and y'know that Jayde girl? She's a two faced bitch and since you guys started doing your little meeting things he's been avoiding her. Well until about ten minutes ago when he smoked his third joint and took her upstairs" He winks and I frown. He did? I clear my throat and down the rest of my drink. "All I'm trying to say Aliyah, Colby is really trying with you. Even if it's just professional terms, from his friend to you, I appreciate it" He smiles and grabs my waste pulling me in for a tight hug. I widen my eyes and eventually managed to detangle myself from his arms.

"Corey, Stop annoying this poor girl" A female voice calls from behind Corey, I glance in the direction, A short, petite brunette moves forward, leaning into him. "Hey, I'm Devyn" She says chirpy and I smile, "Aliyah". She widens her eyes, "Ohhhh, You're the psychology chick" She nods and I smile awkwardly, placing my cup on the counter.

I clear my throat, pushing my damp hair back. "Well..It was nice meeting you all but I think I'm going to get going" I smile, pushing myself off the counter I stable myself and say my goodbyes. Jake attempts to get me to stay and I decline, leaving them in the kitchen I head to the front door. "Aliyah!" Another female voice stops me in my tracks, I internally groan but turn to see Kat. "Oh shit, Kat" I smile and she joins, "Are you leaving?" She tilts her head and I nod, "Yep! I had a great time. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you sooner but I really should head off" I shock myself that I manage to string the sentence together and she nods understandingly, "No problem. Honestly after the difference you've made to Colby, you're welcome anytime!" She says and I glance away. "Ok. Well, I'll see you around?" I smile and she nods, I rush off out the front door, stopping at the end of the path to catch some air.

The pressure begins to build up inside of me and I close my eyes. Everyone seems to believe I can 'Change' or 'Help' Colby when in reality I'm not a professional. I'm doing a school project and it's only been one session. I groan, taking a seat on the curb and putting my head in my hands. This is definitely a lot more serious than I thought.

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