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I can't decide whether Roselyn is concerned about what she has found out about Brennen or if she is finding humour within it, it's a hard situation to read. I grab a bag of chips from my dresser as she turns in her bed to start explaining, "Alright so basically I was hanging out with Kendall today, day off and all."

I nod, taking a seat and opening my chips. "Basically we were walking around campus and Kendall pointed out a couple of guys what we thought were having a suspicious looking chat." She lifts a brow which I tilt my head, "But when we kept walking in their direction it turned into a fist fight, bloody noses, bashed up knuckles, the whole lot." Her eyes widen and I laugh quietly, "So, the two guys ran off and when we finally got to the beaten guy on the ground, he just kept repeatedly saying Brennen Taylor." I frown, "Turns out Brennen has been sending hit men into campus to start gathering his owed money."

My mouth goes dry before I speak causing me to cough, "W-Wait, Colby and Corey owe him money." I continue to frown and she nods, "Yeah, his mom used to be a professor on campus so he knows his way around and walks in through the gates freely. It's disgusting." She sighs.

"What do you mean, used to be?" I ask, "Apparently she got fired for sleeping with a student." She laughs which makes me roll my eyes, the story gets better and better.

"You really believe he is sending in 'hit men'" I ask, lifting my hands creating air quotation marks.

She shrugs and then nods, "He seems like the kinda douche that doesn't get his hands dirty." I nod, placing my chips to the side, "So you should probably warn Colby and Corey."

"I feel like they can handle themselves." I say after a few moments of hovering over Colby's name in my phone, not wanting to get involved. "Yeah well, Corey bought a Lambo, that's got to show bravery." I laugh.

I take time to clean up my part of the dorm and grab some comfy clothes to hit the showers, Roselyn begins to study. I have a long day of classes tomorrow, including a guidance meeting which I'm looking forward to, having someone to discuss my future with that isn't a family member or friend. The showers are quiet so I take my time to wash and let the hot water trickle down my stressed body.

The evening has been very chilled, faint music filled the room as we studied and I completed some of my assignments. We ordered pizza to our dorm which I was grateful for. I took sometime to find a hotel for Will and Frannie that was near the campus and let them know so they could book for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to them coming.

"Goodnight." I mumble, turning off the lamp at my side of the room and turning to face the wall, drifting into a deep sleep.


I don't hesitate to get dressed this morning, opting for a summery dress and my white vans paired with my denim jacket. "I'll probably be back here late tonight, me and my mom are going for dinner." Roselyn tells me as she sits down at her desk.

"Oo, meeting again?" I push some books into my rucksack, "Yep. I feel like if I want her in my life, we both need to be putting the same amount of time in." I nod, turning to her, "Well good luck. Let me know how it goes ye?" I head towards the door with my keys and phone in hand, she nods and waves me off.

I decide to go for a peppermint tea at the coffee shop today instead of my usual coffee. The caffeine consumption makes me overthink, "Morning." Jake groans as he meets me, "You look rough." I laugh and he rolls his eyes.

The first class of the day drags on, I feel like the lecturer never stopped speaking. It was nice to just sit and listen to someone and take notes rather than having to do much work.

"Hey before I forget, I'll be missing after lunch classes." Jake tells me and I nod, taking a seat beside him at a picnic bench located outside the psychology building for lunch. "Alright. I have a guidance meeting anyway so I was going to skip." I smile and he lifts a brow, "You, missing a class?"

I laugh quietly, taking a bite out of my apple. "Do you know anything about Brennen sending people into campus?" I ask after a few moments of silence between us. Jake fiddles with his food for a few moments before answering, "Yeah some of the guys have been talking about it. Not like I bought any of his shit." He shrugs and I nod, continuing to eat quietly.

I take my time to soak up some sun before attending the guidance meeting, although Jake left a while ago. "Hey." A voice awakes me from the silence, "Oh Hey." Colby smiles at me.

"What are you doing hanging around Psychology?" I laugh, moving over to let him take a seat beside me. He sits and turns to me, "I was looking for you." I tilt my head, "I haven't heard from you since yesterday." I nod and smile, "Sorry. The mornings are always a drag." I complain and he laughs.

"No more classes?" Colby asks and I shake my head, "Nope. Well I do, but I have a guidance meeting shortly so I just decided to take in the sun".

"What about you?" I ask, glancing towards the Law building which is relatively close, "Nah." He shrugs and I smirk, "I'll walk you to guidance." He says, standing to his feet and sticks out his hand for me to take.

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