i woke up the next morning... or i guess afternoon at 2:30 pm. colby, sam and kat were all out of the room already. i got out of bed, wincing in pain at my arm. i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and noticed that #cadeldaide was trending. i opened my phone to see that sam and colby had uploaded their exploring video from yesterday.
drama accounts had been taking clips from the video that "proved" the we were a thing. they took the clip of him giving me his shirt, calling me darling, holding me close in the car, being worried about me boarding down the slide, being 1 of the 2 people i chose out of my 13 closest friends, the fact that we were holding hands when he wanted me to go towards that one slide, the fact that he carried me to the car and into the hospital. and finally the fact that i wore his hoodie to bed.
today is obviously sunday so we have to go back home soon because i have to be at school tomorrow.
i walk into the kitchen of the suite seeing that everyone is awake. i'm suddenly bombarded with questions about how my arm is and i kindly reply with "it still really hurts but i'm fine." i'm vlogging for my personal channel today.
"ad, you need to take these two pills and we need to rewrap your arm and put this medicine on your cuts" colby told me, walking over to me with the bottle of pills. "okay" i said grinning up at him "thank you" it's so cute that he cares he grabbed a bottle of water for me and i took the pills.
"what time are we leaving today?" alexis asked everyone. "we should probably leave at like 6 or so because then we'll get back by 8. we have to stop and get addi's dogs from her grandmas." devyn said.
my grandparents are great, they are absolutely the sweetest people i've ever met. they spoil me so much. they live in Calabasas. they have their own little pomeranian, rosè and they have a little pomsky named maui so they will gladly watch my puppies anytime i ask them.
"do you guys want to go get breakfast" i asked everyone. "you mean late lunch?" madeline asked as everyone laughed. i looked down at my phone... 3pm... dang. "i guess so" i said laughing.
"i'm in the mood for urth." mel said. everyone agreed with her so we all got dressed and headed to urth.
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addi's fit
messages between addi and her grandma
noni- hey addi, the girls are doing great... i took them all shopping! addi rose- oh my gosh grandma!! that is so cute haha i'm sure they loved it! noni-
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