february 3rd
adelaides pov
colby and i ended up making up after our little issue so we spent the rest of the night outside, making s'mores and sitting around the fire.
it was now the next day and the girls and i were taking a golf cart ride over to the bath house. we all needed to brush our teeth and hair.
"adelaide, you're going to be married in like 4 months." tara stayed, staring off.
"i know. i'm so excited." i smiled.
"i can't wait for all of us to be married and have kids and live in the same neighborhood where we all drive range rovers and drink mimosas after we drive our kids to soccer." kat said, laughing.
so the rest of the golf cart ride was spent talking about our futures. which i could tell was stressing tara out because she really really wants to get married.
little did she know, i knew something she didn't.
jake was planning on proposing to her. i pretty much planned the entire thing based on the thought he had about it. we were going ring shopping the day we got back actually.
we finished at the bath house and went back over to the site.
"hi," i smiled, sitting on colbys lap. he was sitting in one of the camp chairs, talking to jake and sam.
i was wearing a black crop top and a pair of light wash shorts.
"hey." colby said, kissing my cheek. i stood and went over to the food table to get some strawberries.
"what's up brother?" jake asked me. i was about to respond when a golf cart pulled into our lot. it was ranger ben.
"hey everyone! hi adelaide." he smiled. i was confused as to why he remembered my name but i honestly didn't really care.
"hi ben." i smiled.
"what brings you guys back out this way?" ben asked us.
"oh we're just here for a fun weekend away." i explained to him.
"nice... nice. how long are you guys staying for?" he asked.
"we're leaving tomorrow afternoon." kat told him.
he continued to talk to us for a bit and then drove off.
colby was being super affectionate today... kissing me every chance he got and hugging me. of course i loved it but it was not typical of him to be this affectionate.
he kept telling me how much he loves me and how he can't live without me.
i was standing around the food table with xepher and devyn, talking about the wedding.
"hi baby, i love you." colby said, kissing my shoulder and then my neck.
"hi baby, i love you too." i laughed, leaning back over my shoulder to kiss him.
"awww." kat and xepher said to us and i stuck my tongue out at them.
most of the day consisted of eating and hanging out but we decided to go for dinner at a local restaurant.
"hi, my name is kayla and i'll be your server today." the girl said when she approached our table. her eyes scanned across the table and fixated on colby. "can i start you guys with anything to drink?" she asked, her eyes not leaving him.
we all ordered waters but the three boys also got some kind of nasty cheap alcohol.
she left and i shifted in my seat, making colby notice that i was uncomfortable.
"what's wrong?" he whispered into my ear.
"nothing... i'm fine." i smiled. he nodded and placed his hand on my thigh, running it up and down.
she is a pretty girl. i mean she's not really colbys type but to be fair, i'm not either. she's got blonde hair and brown eyes.
"adelaide?" i heard, cutting my thoughts off.
"what?" i asked.
"we've been talking to you for like 2 minutes." kat laughed.
"oh um sorry. i was thinking." i said.
"we asked what you were getting to eat." devyn said, looking concerned.
"probably a salad." i told her.
i didn't participate in anymore conversation, seeing as i was thinking about colby leaving me. don't be a dumb bitch, you're engaged. your wedding is in months. he wouldn't leave you. but what if he does. what if he finds someone better who he can relate to more. clearly he isn't happy with you or he wouldn't of cheated.
i was shaken from my thoughts again when the waitress came back to our table with our drinks. i thanked her for mine, despite being jealous.
colby wasn't even paying much mind to her but she couldn't take her eyes off of him.
"alright what can i get you guys to order?" she asked.
tara ordered first and then i quietly stated my order. she wrote and down and then moved onto colby.
"and what can i get you?" she smirked, leaning in towards him to take his order. i looked down at his hand on my thigh and started playing with his rings. it was something i did when i was nervous or bored. he never minded and often told me that he likes when i do that.
he ordered his keto whatever he got and she moved onto sam, continuing to glance colbys way every chance she got.
"i have to go to the bathroom." i said, standing up, colby hand slipping down my thigh. he looked up at me with concern.
"i'll go with." tara said, standing up as well.
we walked to the bathroom and tara immediately started talking to me.
"what happened?" she asked me, pulling me into a hug. i explained to her, while crying and she tried to assure me that colby wouldn't leave me and that he loves me.
it helped a lot but now i had a tear stained face and sad eyes. we cleaned me up as much as possible before going back to the table.
colby, along with everyone else, noticed that i had been crying and colby whispered to me, asking about it. i simply told him that i'd tell him about it later.
his hand rested back on my thigh and i played with his rings until our food came. you know the deal.
i took maybe two bites of food before declaring that i was done. colby clearly looked worried about it.
"alright, are we all doing separate checks or all together?" she asked.
"i'll get the two of us." colby said, motioning.
everyone went in pairs of two so sam paid for him and kat, jake paid for him and tara, and devyn paid for her and xepher.
everyone paid and we were on our way out when the waitress came over to us.
"hey, can i get your number?" she smiled to him.
"um... no sorry. i'm engaged." he told her.
"she doesn't have to know." she smirked.
"sorry, i'm engaged and uninterested." he said back. she gave him a look of disgust so he kissed me and then showed her my ring.
i was very content with him doing that for me. i think he knew that's what was bugging me.
let's just say that both camping trips ended with me not being able to walk.

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.