today is the day that my family comes in from new york. my mom, stepdad, jack and josette are all coming.
my biological dad and i still talk however were not very close. I have a half sister from my dads marriage after my mom. her name is elliana. she's 9 now. i don't see her very often but i love her a lot. i also have 2 step siblings on that side as well. breanna and alex.
i defiantly prefer bre and alex as to jo and jack. alex is the most chill stepbrother ever and bre is really sweet.
"okay babe i have to go now." i said to colby as i grabbed my gucci purse off the counter of the trap house kitchen.
"i don't want you to go." colby said while pulling me into his embrace from the side while kissing my temple.
"i'm just driving to the airport... if i can get them to go do some tourist shit without me then i'll be over later." i said turning my body so i was directly in front of colby while kissing him.
"okay baby drive safe. feel free to call me if josette or jack are bugging you." he said grinning at me while walking me out to my car.
"okay bye colbs" i said blowing him a kiss as i started driving out of the driveway.
i had spent the night with colby because i probably wouldn't be seeing much of him throughout the weekend.
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i was wearing a white crop top and a ferrari jacket that i lowkey stole from my stepbrother, alex with a pair of jeans.
i stopped at in n out to get a milkshake. i typically wouldn't do this but yolo cause this weekend will be hell.
i pulled up to the airport. i went inside to find them at their gate. there flight had been landed for 5 minutes so they should be out soon.
a couple minutes later i saw josette walk out of the plane. her hair in the most hideous bun ever. her makeup was smeared under her eyes. and if you're wondering, it's not from being on the plane, she always looks like this. i could tell her just applied her lipstick as it was way over lined. she was holding her phone in her hand, telling snapchatting that she just landed. she had an empty pink drink cup, clearly only holding it to show off she had it because she would've had to of gotten it 6 hours ago, in new york.
next i saw jack. his girlfriend hanging onto his neck like her life depended on it. hickies were evident on both of their necks. her hair was in an even worse messy bun than josettes and her bright pink lipstick was smeared. this is what's staying at my apartment for the next 4 days.
next off the plane was my mom and john, hand in hand. my mom looked good, as usual, seeing as she was a supermodel. john looked the same as normal, average.
josette saw me and instructed everyone my way. they all hugged me, asking me how i've been as if they don't facetime me every week.
after our greetings, i led them to my car. i could smell either josette or lana's cheap perfume. i knew my mom wouldn't swoop that low. i brought the g wagon that my grandparents had gotten me for my graduation. as i said, favorite grandchild on both sides of the family.
i was driving as my mom sat it the passengers seat. john sat behind my seat as jo was in the middle and jack was on the edge with lana on his lap as i didn't know she was coming.
i pulled out of the airport parking lot.
"are you guys hungry?" i asked them getting onto the highway.
"are you dumb? is that even a question?? we just got off a six hour flight." josette responded to me.
"listen, i put up with your shit in new york but you will not be disrespected me if you're staying in MY home." i said to her, aggressively swerving into the left lane.
"adelaide, we just got here can you please not start a fight already?" my mom said looking over to me
"she's being a bitch and i'm not putting up with it." i said back
"josette was just joking adelaide. cmon please don't ruin our trip." i rolled my eyes at her response, glaring at josette in the mirror.
i pulled into the parking lot of urth. they all got out of the car, heading in. i was a regular at this urth and became friends with a lot of the workers. as soon as we walked in, i saw marielle who i met last summer when i moved here. she came over and hugged me and asked if i wanted anything. they never charged me there as i was good friends with nearly every worker.
after we ate, my mom paid for the bill, excluding my food as they didn't charge mine. i always thought john was using my moms for money as no matter where they went, she'd pay.
i started driving everyone back to my apartment.
"oh you're still living in... an apartment... i see." josette said as though i was less than her
"you're still living at home with your parents... i see." i said grinning back at her "not to mention you're older than me."
she glared at me through the mirror as i parked the car, my mother hitting me gently on the shoulder for the dig.
incoming call from kat
"hey what's up girly?" i said answering the phone as everyone got out of the g.
"hey i was thinking that while sam, colby, corey and jake are going to be away next week for a couple days, we should take a girls trip to texas."
"oh my gosh yeah that'd be so fun." i responded back to kat
after saying our good byes, we finally arrived to my apartment.
"you know it's rude to take phone calls when you have guests, right?" my mom said to me.
"you realize it's rude to insist on your daughter to supply housing?" i said back
i let them walk into my apartment, setting the keys on the counter. my dogs all came running out to see me.
i started petting them as i noticed josette was being making a disgusted face towards them
"is there a problem, josette?" i asked her
"why are these things attacking me??" i rolled my eyes explaining to them that the dogs were more important than anything and to not be mean to them.
i told them that i had met a boy and that they were going to be meeting her the next morning at brunch.
i insisted that they went to santa monica pier for the rest of the night because i had "plans" my plans consisted of going over to colby's and cuddling and playing video games.
they finally agreed and left. only 4 and a half more days of this torture.