violets pov
september 23rd"bitch better have my money!" we all yelled along with the music.
the other 7 girls and i were all in my room, getting ready for school. we were listening to a random playlist through the speakers in my room. lockett, kova and i were all in my beauty room doing our makeup.
ayla was in the shower and then nic and blaise were doing their hair in my bathroom. elsie and verena were both picking outfits out in my closet.
having 8 people all getting ready at one was hectic but we were making it work.
"wait who doesn't have a 9am?" i heard kova ask when we got into my bedroom.
"i dont... i have a 10am." rena responded.
"same. do you wanna get brunch while they're at school." kov laughed.
"for sure." rena responded.
"violet, can i wear this?" verena asked me while pulling a little lilac dress out of my closet.
"go for it." i smiled
"ooo can i wear this?" elsie asked while pulling out a cheetah bodysuit.
"for sure. it'd look cute with that pair of jeans." i told her while pointing to the pair i meant.
everyone had to wear my clothes to school since they all stayed over but didn't pack anything.
by 8:30, we were all leaving. our school was five minutes away and somehow were blessed enough to have a starbucks right across the street. it's normally packed though.
the boys all had 8ams asides from luke and ash so they joined the 6 of us at starbucks.
i got an iced chai latte and a bagel with cream cheese and then sat at a table with my friends.
"hi, mrs. burkhurt. sorry i'm late." i smiled, as i walked into class ten minutes late.
"it's okay, violet." she politely smiled back. i'm the teachers assistant for this class.
i sat at her desk and immediately started to go through a rubric so i knew how to grade their essays.
i was late due to my last teacher keeping me overtime since i had missed 8 consecutive days of school and i had to makeup a little quiz.
mrs. burkhurt is my favorite teacher ever. i've had her since my freshman year. she teaches AP english.
i'm her TA for 11:00 class everyday and her 1:00 on wednesdays.
the 11:00 class is her ap english for freshmen class and then the 1:00 on wednesday is her creative writing unit for the entire school.
i was grading their essays on to kill a mockingbird. i personally loved the story.
"so violet, i was thinking that you should probably go visit your other teacherrs today to catch up with your work instead of helping me grade these essays. i'm almost done anyways." she told me.
"i should, stevie. i appreciate it." i smiled while grabbing my stuff and exiting the room.
it's my senior year so i only have three classes. ap english 4, forensic science and french 4.
9am- forensics
10am- french 4
11am- TA for ap english 1
12pm- ap englishand the of course i TA on wednesday at 1
so i had to head to french to do a pronunciation quiz that i missed during my break.
i was out of the school by 1pm, waiting for luke and west to come out. everyone who's in their senior year has lunch at one so sometimes we eat at the school and sometimes we go out for lunch.
today, luke, west and i were all done at 1 and then we decided we would go to get taco bell.
"hey, violet." justin said, walking up next to me.
"oh, hi." i smiled, looking at him.
"did you hear about luke?" he asked me.
"what about him?" i asked, confused.
"he dropped two of the best players from the team. walker and kade." justin told me, making me gasp slightly.
behind luke, grayson, kai and westly, the two of them were the best on the team.
"why?" i asked him.
"heard that one of them was talking shit on you and the other was apparently saying 'dirty' things about you. so he dropped them. and once he finalizes it with coach, any football scholarships they got are going to disappear." he said.
i went to respond but instead luke and westly walked out.
"come on babe." luke said, grabbing my hand.
"bye justin." i weakly smiled to him as we walked to the car.
"how was class?" west asked.
"good. luke, how was dropping two of your best players from the team?" i asked him.
he clearly didn't expect my question.
"what?" he asked.
"you heard me luke... why'd you do? you have so many important games coming up... not to mention that our school is going against the rival school." i scoffed.
"vee, they honestly both had it coming. they knew better than to do what they did." west said from the back seat.
"and what exactly did they do?" i pestered.
"kade was talking shit on you. i don't even wanna repeat the shit he said." luke told me.
"lucas, i don't care if he talks bad about me. you need him on the team. all of your plays will be messed up without him." i said.
"and then walker was talking about how badly he wanted to bend you over and-" he started but i cut him off.
"i don't care, babe. our team needs them. and i don't exactly want them to loose their scholarships just because of me." i told him.
"fine." he groaned.
"thank you." i grinned as he leaned over to kiss me.
"let's play violet drives while i don't." luke laughed while letting go of the wheel.
"luke!" i squealed, grabbing the wheel.
he left me drive for a few minutes and then grabbed the wheel again.
october 1st
"i think we should all go as like the cast of a show." verena said.
"we could do the vampire diaries. vy can be elena and then luke and west can be damon and stefan. grayson can be jeremy and ayls can be bonnie. verena can be caroline, jasper can be tyler, ash can be matt, mitch can be klaus..." blaise went on and on.
"that's my favorite show but i think that if we don't all stand together at the party then it'll just look stupid." i laughed.
"true. we could do that 70s show." verena said.
"there's not enough good ones though. like someone would have to be red and someone would have to be bob. i don't think that's the vibe." ayla responded.
"why don't we do mario cart?" i asked them.
"i like that one." west spoke up.
"same." luke announced.
every halloween, our friend group throws a rager for halloween. we always do a group costume.
"i call princess peach if we do it." i laughed
"luke can be mario then. grayson and ayla can be luigi and rosalina or whatever that ones name is." blaise said.
"this is gonna be so good." i announced.
so we spent the next hour discussing who would be who and how we were going to do our costumes.

xplr ; colby brock
FanficAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.