august 5th
it's been a month since we found out about our baby. i'm still over the moon about it cause i've always wanted to be a mom.
so far, only tara, jake and kat know about it. we wanted to keep it private for a little bit so we can just enjoy it.
but we're ready to tell everyone now.
we told jake, and he was obviously very excited for us. and then kat came over and was wanting me to drink with her and i kept saying no since i can't drink while being pregnant. and she kind of assumed from there but i still managed to film it.
in three days, it's my 21st birthday but i won't be celebrating since i'm 2 months pregnant.
the baby's due date is February 28th. we found out that we got pregnant on our wedding night which is very special.
so today, we're telling most of our friends that we're pregnant.
i wasn't sure how to tell them all at once and get their reactions so i told them all to come with 15 minute intervals.
so mike and kevin will come over at 1 and then i texted sam and corey to come at 1:15 and so on just so i can tell everyone.
i got them each a little mug that says "uncle mikey," "uncle sam," "aunt devyn," etc.
coreys says "aunt corey" on it though cause we thought it was funny.
"hey guys." mike told us as he walked into my apartment.
"hey." i smiled, kevin returning the gesture.
"are you ready to turn the fuck up for your birthday?" mikey asked.
"well i actually i have a gift for the two of you." i told them.
i had them sit in front of where i had set up the camera and i handed them each the bag with the sonogram mugs in them.
"wait are you serious?!" mikey asked, giving me the biggest hug.
"yes!" i told them.
"congratulations!" kevin said, hugging me.
"i'm so happy for you guys." mike said as he bro hugged colby.
i told them to hide their gifts so that corey and sam wouldn't see them when they came in.
sam and corey came into the apartment and i told them i had presents for them so they stood in front of the camera.
"i don't know what kind of prank this is but you did a really bad job at hiding the camera." corey laughed.
"it's not a pranks!" i told them for the tenth time.
"whatever you say, adelaide." sam laughed.
"just open the bags." i laughed
"no way?! this has to be a prank." sam says.
"wait... wait... i'm finally gonna be aunt corey!?" corey asked
"i promise it's real! look." i said handing them one of my pregnancy tests.
"wait really?" corey asked, still skeptical.
"we're being serious guys." colby laughed.
"well congratulations then!" corey said, hugging me.
"i can't believe my best friends gonna be a dad!" sam said, making me tear up a little. they switched and sam hugged me as corey hugged colby.
next was xepher, griffin and devyn.
i handed them the bags and it was the same situation. they thought it was a prank but they were so happy for us when it wasn't.

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.