oh no... i think im catching feelings

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adelaides point of view

September 2nd

today, e and i are going to dinner with his parents at a fancy restaurant. i was anxious to meet them but they seemed a lot like my parents.

from what i liked to conclude, they're wealthy, love going to the country club and they're very chill but also judgey.

"do i look okay baby?" i asked ethan as i walked back into my room.

"you look so hot, princess." he said smiling and grabbing my waist, pulling me into him.

"as much as i would love to stay here right now, i have to go finish making myself look presentable for your family." i said, kissing ethan as he laughed before going back into the bathroom.

" i said, kissing ethan as he laughed before going back into the bathroom

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i was staring in the mirror at my hair, debating on what to do with it.

ethan came up behind and and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my head. we love a tall boy.

"you don't have to worry so much. they're gonna love you, bear. just be yourself." he said kissing me on the cheek.

i nodded before asking him if i should straighten or curl my hair to which he responded with leaving it natural.

i put my heels on quickly and grabbed my chanel bag before we went out and got into my g wagon.

ethan is an only child so it will just be himself, me, his mom and his dad.

"stop being so tense, babe." he said squeezing my hand that he had been holding as it rested on the middle console.

"i know it'll be okay but i'm anxious." i said laughing.

"don't be. afterwards, i'll take you to get cheesecake and we can watch the vampire diaries." he said, kissing me quickly before adverting his eyes back to the road.

i nodded, content with his idea.

after the 15 minute drive from my house to his, we got out of the car and walked up to the door. i had only ever once been here. i was with ethan, obviously and we had stopped to get him some clothes he could wear at my house. his parents were on a trip at the time so it was just the two of us.

he opened the door to the house, allowing me to enter first. the house was big and had a grand staircase. we walked further into the house as his mother approached me.

"hello adelaide! it's nice to finally meet you." she said, hugging me. i hugged her back, telling her it was nice to meet her as well.

his dad entered, shaking my hand and introducing himself. i made small talk with his mother as his dad got his shoes and jacket on.

we all walked out to my car, me asking his mom, tess, if she wanted to sit up front. she denied multiple times so i sat up front with ethan, his parents in the back.

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