violets point of view
august 16th
"mom, i'll be fine. luke is going to meet me there anyways." i explained to her. she was nervous about missing my shoot today. i was doing an ad for louis vuitton today and my mom happened to overlap a meeting of hers with my shoot so she's nervous i'll get lost or wreck my car since the shoot is an hour away.
"okay. your hotel room is ready for you whenever you get there." she told me. i was staying in one of my grandmas hotel rooms.
"where's dad at?" i asked her.
"he's on set... he should be home in a half hour." she informed me.
my parents are both living lives slightly different then before my siblings and i were born.
my mom is acting here and there. she's still a model and she still sings. she also likes to be that cute mom that always shows up in her range rover at all of our sporting events. she's like my best friend.
my dad is in a tv show, playing a gang member. it's basically about this innocent teenage girl who falls in love with a gang leader (who's like 8 years older than her) but my dad is the leader of the rival gang or something of that sort. i've never really watched it myself.
during summer, my dad also films for a netflix show with sam, jake and corey. my mom and 'aunts' appear on it frequently. us kids also go on occasionally. it's essentially everything they did on the sam and colby channel but bigger and better.
"are you sure you'll be okay?" she asked me.
"i've driven to LA plenty of times before, mom. the only difference is i'm staying in a hotel instead of with friends." i told her.
"okay. be safe, drive careful. i love you." she kissed my cheek as she walked out the door.
"i love you too!" i smiled as she left.
"hey, dad." i smiled as my dad walked into the kitchen.
"hey honey." he smiled, hugging me.
"how was filming today?" i asked him.
"it went well... i got shot in the scene today so i had to deal with a lot of special effects artists." he told me.
"ooo i wanna see." i requested.
he pulled the neck of his shirt down just to above his heart so i could see the 'bullet hole'
"that's so awesome." i smiled.
"yeah. anyways, do you have any plans today? i was hoping we could go for a violet- daddy day just like we always used to." be told me.
"well i have to leave for a shoot in LA in about 90 minutes but we can run to malibu farms real quick." i suggested.
"sounds great... let me go change into something a little less bloody and gangy." he laughed, making me laugh as well. he's so geeky.
"weren't you in a gang, dad?" i laughed.
"i guess i was... for a few hours." he laughed back, remembering his time in the florida jail system.
"so howre you and luke?" my dad asked me.
"we're good... hes been busy with football." i explained. i was still pretty sure that my dad was on the fence about luke and i doing it but there's no going back from what we did.

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.