adelaides point of view
november 2nd
"you ready ad?" colby asked me as he grabbed his bag off the floor.
"yeah i just have to get my bags." i said, putting the last of my makeup in the bag.
colby grabbed my backpack and i grabbed my suitcase.
"go make sure everyone else is ready and i'll take our stuff out." he said once we reached the bottom of the stairs. i nodded to him, going up to tara and jakes room since it was at the top of the steps.
i knocked on the door before entering, which i only did to make sure i didn't see jake naked.
"hello it's your favorite roommate!" i said jumping on the bed.
"omg colby?!" jake said, making me glare at him. "i'm just kidding adelaide." he laughed
"what's up ad." tara said, walking out of her bathroom with her bag.
"i was sent to make sure you're ready. you can go put your bags in the car, if you are." i said, getting off the bed and walking across the hall to coreys room.
i knocked again considering mya was in there and i didn't know her very well.
"come in." i heard corey say.
"hey!" i said giving him a hug since i hadn't seen him in a while.
"i've missed you adelaide." he said
"same. are you guys ready?" i asked, pulling away from the hug when mya entered the room out of coreys closet.
corey said yes and mya nodded so i told them they could take their bags down to the car.
i went to tell sam and kat as well before heading downstairs.
i locked up the house after everyone was outside.
myself, colby, tara, jake, sam and kat are all going in my range rover whereas corey and mya are taking her ford fiesta.
corey has basically separated himself and stayed in the group at the same time. which has made the rest of us a little mad that he's doing that for a girl. we all miss devyn.
colby started my car and we began our way up to big bear. we were going to get a cabin but then jake had the bright idea of camping in tents. yes, a tent.
we had gotten a 12 person tent for the 8 of us but im pretty sure mya brought a different one for her and corey.
i like mya, she's actually very nice. but i can tell she's not into the fact that our group is so close. and that's affecting all of our relationships with corey.
after 3 hours in the car, we got to the registration building so, as the mom of the group, i went in to talk to the ranger. tara came with me so i didn't have to go alone.
"hi girls! i'm ranger ben... how can i help you?" the ranger, who was probably just of age to drink, asked us as we walked in.
"hi! i'm adelaide nolan, we have a tent reservation for site... 118?" i said trying to think of that was the proper site.
"oh the site for 8 people under nolan?" he asked while checking in his computer system.
"that's the one." i smiled.
"okay, great! do you guys need an escort out there?" ranger ben asked us.
"um... that'd be great! thank you." i said as he followed us out the door.

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.