- there was like a four month gap between this chapter and the last chapter so christmas pasted, colbys birthday passed, sams birthday passed thanksgiving, etc -
"i'm so excited to go out onto the beach." tara said, pulling her hair back.
"me too... i'm so happy we're all legal here." i laughed
we had just arrived in turks and caicos. tara and i had chose to come here for my bachelorette party since it was a place that none of them have ever been before.
i had my moms pa come out and set up the house we were renting. all of the girls had swimsuits that said i do crew and mine said i do.
(kinda cringey but also kinda cute lmao)
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we had all gone outside and took pictures and now we were heading down to the beach.
i had kat and devyn sharing a room, tara and i, maci and elena and xepher and cassie were also sharing. aria was sharing her room with poppy, since poppy was technically also a part of our wedding party.
for january, it was very very nice out. 79 degrees to be exact.
to be transparent, i'm so bored of writing about this so i'm just not going to... moral of the story is that they went on the trip, got wasted and had a lot of fun.... the boys went to vegas and also got wasted and had a ton of fun that's all sorry i suck
january 28th
"i'm so sad that lexi won't be able to be in our wedding." i said, laying my head down on colbys chest.
"i know baby. i know how hard it is for you. we all miss her." he told me, running his hand through my hair.
"i miss her so bad." i whispered, my voice slightly cracking as tears began rolling down my face.
"cmere baby." colby said, motioning me to fully lay on him.
so i did lay on him and he held me close as i cried into him.
"addi, you know she'll be looking down on us at our wedding... thinking how beautiful you look and how perfect it is. she was rooting for us. it's okay to be sad, angel. just know that she'll be happy for you... for us." he told me, placing small kisses in my hair.
we continued to talk about lexi for a bit and then decided to turn on that 70s show because he knew it'd make me feel better.
upon turning it on, we both realized it was the "grandmas dead" episode. how convenient.
he quickly grabbed the remote and went to the next episode.
"we should go out to kansas and visit your family soon." i told him, running a hand through his hair.
"that would be nice... it's been a while." he said.
"maybe in march?" i suggested.
"we can work it out." he told me, running his hand up and down my arm.
"we should plan another camping trip... since our last one was cut a little short." he laughed, remembering when i hurt my ankle on our hike.
"yeah. that could be fun." i smiled, placing a kiss on his jaw.
"how was the fitting today?" colby asked me.
"it went good... only one of the three dresses has to go back again for further alterations." i told him.
"i can't wait to see you... walking down the aisle, all dressed up. it's going to be the best day of my life." he smiled, kissing me again.
i truly loved this man.
"i can't wait either. im so excited for you to see my dress." i told him.
he smiled down to me and we continued to catch up. alisa, tara and i all went wedding shopping the day prior, to look for decor and to get some of our custom things designed.
then today we went to my dress fitting and to talk about designs with the cake team we chose. so colby and i were really just catching up with each other.
shortest chapter i think i've ever written bug i haven't updated in like two weeks so merry christmas haha