reality house 4

662 13 0

adelaides point of view

july 9th

"tab and taylor please stand up." jc requested.

the previous eight contestants had just competed and we were waiting to hear who was staying and who was leaving.

their times were three seconds apart. however the two of them were both staying.

"the fued continues tab, the fued continues." taylor said hugging tab.

tab won by three seconds, making sarah and trisha have to go home.

then between the four boys, imari had the fastest time. then kenny took 43 minutes to do his so he was sent home, dom replacing him.

imari only took 5 minutes to put things into perspective.

so kenny, trisha, sarah and elijah has to leave.

kenny wouldn't leave dom away when he was about to leave.

trisha was pissed that she lost so she wouldn't do a confessional and then she was dissing kian, jc, the clickbait hoodies, etc.

elijah was pressed that he was leaving too.

july 10th

"harrison you're going to win because you're british and unproblematic." was my new quote, said by elijah.

next was the human claw challenge.

taylor was giving everyone a headache... it was so bad. she's so loud and obnoxious.

so you had to be harnessed and then lowered into the ball pit and had to grab as many balls as possibly and then drop them into a bin.

manny was to go first. then dom, teala, imari, then andrea.

and andrea is scared of heights so she was tweaking.

then taylor, lena, myself, tab, harrison, tara, then ryan.

harrison and ryan were the top two for the boys. there scores were one point away with harry wining. they got 61 and 62.

they informed us that teala was in the elimination. and then the girls had a tie.

taylor and lena has a tie of 71 points each.

then they had to do a sudden death.

lena ended up winning.

taylor had 28 points and lena had 35 points.

"this is lenas thing. she's good with balls, i'm not... i'm a lesbian." taylor said, salty at the fact that lena beat her.

so that was it for the day.

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