i woke up in colbys arms, as i have been a lot recently. tonight i wouldn't be though, because he and sam are filming a video late tonight at griffith park.
i turned out of colbys embrace to grab my phone. i checked my texts, seeing one from the group chat with kat, devyn and tara. i opened the message seeing that they were all going for dinner tonight. i told them that i'd be there as well.
colby and i had plans with sam and kat for lunch so i assumed kat and i would just hang out till dinner.
"good morning beautiful." colby said grinning at me. i locked my phone, setting it on the bed in between us.
"good morning baby." i said kissing his cheek. we laid in bed for another half an hour before i told him we had to get ready for lunch with our friends.
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i got dressed for the day and did my makeup. colby was getting a shower still so i decided to make us iced coffees.
after colby was done getting ready, we left for lunch with kat and sam.
we arrived at the little restaurant, seeing sams audi in the parking lot. we walked in, sitting at our table with them.
"hi! i've missed you!" i said hugging kat as colby bro hugged sam.
"i've missed you too oh my gosh!" she said hugging me back. i hugged sam and colby hugged kat.
we all sat back down at the table, looking through the menu.
kat and i ended up sharing nachos. colby and sam both got burgers. i was telling kat that my dad was coming to visit in january with my step family. he was bringing kona down as well.
sam and colby briefly talked about their adventure tonight, kat and i both telling them to make sure they're careful.
sam and colby left to go to elton's for a bit before they all went to griffith park.
"bye babe. i love you, drive safe and be careful." i said to colby, hugging him.
"will do baby. i love you too. i'll see you in the morning, yeah?" i nodded as he kissed me on the forehead, heading over to his car.
kat and i were taking sams car back to my place and exchanging it for my car.
after that we went shopping at the grove for a bit, having a girls day. i was excited for dinner with the girls as we haven't done that in a while.
after dinner
after dinner, all the girls went back to their houses. i headed back to my apartment as well
i got home, sighing at the fact that lexi wasn't here. i've barely been talking to her though so i shouldn't of expected her to be here. i decided to send her a text and see how she was.
i picked up in the kitchen a little, making sure to change the dogs pee pads. it was only 8:30 but i decided to head to my room and lay in bed.
i ended up going on instagram and reading the comments on my recent instagram post
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"she's such a slut"
"why would colby like her?? she's not pretty and her personality sucks"
"girl eat a salad"
"this is one of those girls that would go to your school and ruin your life for no reason"
"why is colby with someone like her"
"having an eating disorder is not a personality trait"
"how much did you pay for the photoshop??"
"colby could do better lmfao"
"okay but why did she think she looked good in this"
"colby deserves someone who isn't a slut."
"colby, its time to upgrade"
"alright you can gtfo of my explore feed"
i kept reading comments, practically ignoring all of the positive ones.
i kept reading comments, tears flowing out of my eyes as i laid there.
colby does deserve better. i'm not good enough for him. i'm not pretty enough for him. he could do so much better. maybe he just doesn't want to hurt my feelings?
i shut my phone off as the tears continued to fall down my face.
i laid there, pathetically bawling my eyes out. i felt as though i didn't mean anything to the world. i decided to go to bed so these thoughts would go away. if i would have read these comments when i was with colby, i would've laughed at them. but laying alone, i let them seep in. believing every word i read.
i eventually fell asleep
in the morning
i woke around 11am. i didn't remember where i had thrown my phone the night before so i just went about my morning without it.
with every step i took, i thought of the comments i had read the previous night. i grabbed a book, throwing it into my bag and heading to a small coffee shop 3 blocks over.
i arrived at the coffee shop, ordering my iced coffee and then sitting on one of the nice little couches.
i realized i had left my phone at my house somewhere. i didn't mind though, because i was in peace. the walk here gave me a lot of time to think.
i sat, reading my book and sipping my coffee. when i was done with my book, i looked up to see that it was now 3pm. i got up, throwing all of my stuff into my bag. i left the coffee shop and was heading back to my house when i saw that they put a new little boutique in on the street i was on.
i decided to go in, looking at all of the lovely jewelry and clothing.
it was nearly 5pm when i arrived home. i went up to my apartment, noticing that the front door was unlocked. i walked in assuming that lexi was home.
"oh my god. baby. where were you?!" colby got up, running to hug me.
"uh i was at a coffee shop, why?" i said, confused.
"i've been texting you all day trying to see how you were doing and you weren't answer. i had all of our friends looking for you." he said
"oh i left my phone here on wccident."
we talked for a bit longer before he called our friends to stop looking.