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may 8th

"i'm getting married in ONE month." i told tara as she sat on the stool in the kitchen.

"i'm so happy for you ad. the wedding is gonna be so beautiful. i can't believe my best friend is getting married!" she smiled.

"i know. i'm so excited." i smiled.

alisa came over later in the day to go over some wedding stuff which had me very excited.

it was all becoming so real.

"adelaide, come to my room." tara instructed.

"okay." i yelled back, walking over that way, from my comfy spot which was being sandwiched between colby and jake.

"what's up?" i asked her when i got in her room.

"ad... i think i'm pregnant." she whispered.

my jaw dropped, leaving me speechless. pregnant?

"what?!" i asked her.

"shhhh. i haven't had my period in two weeks and i think i should take a test." she expressed to me.

"do you have any?" i asked.

"yeah i postmated one this morning. i've been too nervous to take it." she said

i nodded and walked to the bathroom with her, allowing her to pee before we both impatiently sat on the side of her tub.

"how're you feeling?" i asked.

"we both know i want kids. but i don't think jake does. and we're obviously really young... and not married, ya know." she said.

"i get you. you'll be such a good mom though." i told her.

the timer on her phone went off and she asked me to look at the test.

"it's.... positive." i told her, not knowing how she'd react.

"really?!" she asked. she seemed excited but it was hard to tell.

i nodded and smiled, hugging her.

"how should i tell jake?" she asked me.

"omg, you and i could go get the first sonogram and then you can make a book of a bunch of pictures of you two together and then put that one on the last page." i told her

"that's so cute. i feel like his reaction won't be good if i just tell him but that'll be a total surprise." she told me.

"i can't wait to have kids... i'm so happy for you." i smiled.

"you're going to be the best mom ever, i swear." she told me.

"thanks. do you think it's a boy or a girl?" i asked her.

"i almost feel it's both." she laughed "obviously impossible but i get girl vibes and boy vibes." she said, still laughing.

"which would you rather have" i asked her.

"a boy... for sure." she answered. "i think a boy would be easier to handle." i nodded "what about you?"

"i would rather have a girl but i feel like i'd like a boy first cause having that protective big brother thing is so cute." i told her.

"we have to think of a name and a nursery theme!" she said getting excited.

i giggled at her excitement, asking some of her favorite names.

"i love luke for a boy... or james or gray. those names are all cute. atticus... like in to kill a mockingbird... that's a cute name. i like the names jax, ethan and hayes too." she told me

"i like luke... maybe lucas and then like for short. gray sounds like a middle name but i love it." i laughed at her excitement. "what about for girls?" i asked.

"never even thought of girl names." she laughed. "i think i always assumed that my first would be a boy."

"i'll do some research tonight and then recommend some tomorrow." i told her.

"will you take the test?... i don't want jake to see it. i'll schedule the sonogram in the morning."

"yeah of course." i told her, taking her pee stick with me to my room.

i put it in my skincare cabinet and then went back to the kitchen.

"adelaide, wanna help me make hot chocolate?" tara asked me.

"sure girly" i told her, getting out the milk.

she got out the chocolate and we got to work, adding in peppermint and marshmallows before serving to our boys.

tomorrow, jake was planning on proposing to tara. sooo the information that i stored from the night was very important.

we were all on the couch, watching an episode of criminal minds and drinking hot chocolate.

"does anyone want dinner? i'll cook." i offered.

the three of them said yes so i got off the couch, getting out all of the ingredients out to make the chicken spinach tomato pasta stuff that we all love.

tara joined me in the kitchen and we talked about our days as i cooked. my wedding is one month. i was kind of in shock that i'd be getting married in that short of time.

tara had to step out of the kitchen as i cut the raw chicken since she felt nauseous.

may 9th

"adelaide?" i heard colby yell from our room.

i went into the room, noticing he was in the bathroom.

"what? do you need more toilet pap-" i asked, cutting myself off since i noticed he was standing at the counter.

"do you have something to tell me?" he asked.

"no?" i asked, confused.

i then saw taras pregnancy test in his hand.

"oooohhhhh. that's not mine." i laughed

"then who's is it?" he asked me.

"i'm not allowed to say yet. i can tell you tomorrow. i'm sworn to secrecy." i told him

"okay then." he laughed, setting the test back down on the table.

tara had her first sonogram today so the two of us would be attending that.

"i'm going out with tara. i'll be back by 3." i told him, giving him a kiss as he said bye to me.

xplr ; colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now