soooo it's been two weeks. in the past 2 weeks, it was halloween and my friends and i went to texas.
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(obviously not colby or "adelaide" but like that's the vibe) for sam and colby's party, colby and i matched. we wore all black, shocking right? and did skull makeup again.
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then the girls and i dressed up as USC cheerleaders for kian and jc's party. we basically used my old clothes from when i was a USC cheerleader in the fall.
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for pictures, i dressed up as an angel of darkness
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(so i guess maggie dressed up as an anime character i think someone said her name was misa or something but like i don't watch anime so we'll go with that) and this was my last costume that i wore to the last halloween party.
sam, colby, corey and elton were all going to new Zealand for some TFIL videos so kat and i decided to organize a girls trip to texas.
side note- madeline's name is just gonna be tara because that's actually jakes girlfriends name sooooo yeah she's still going to have met him the way she did in the story but her name is tara
Myself, kat, devyn, tara, mel, gracie and alexis all went to texas. alaia didn't join us because she had something to do for school. at this point, i'm just trying to get through school for break. i'm taking a break at the end of november which will probably negatively affect me but i want to meet colby's family so.
anyways we had loads of fun in texas and stayed at haunted hotels and explored abandoned buildings. we all get along really well and kat, tara, devyn and myself are like sam, colby, corey and jake but in girl form.
alexis and i have kinda let our channel die by not posting. so i think we're going to stop having an uploading schedule and just post whenever. we've barely been hanging out anymore so it's just getting stressful having to force out videos since we rarely see each other
speaking of stressful, the lease on our apartment is ending very very soon. by january we'll have to get a new house. oddly enough, the trap house lease is ending a week before ours so we're going to try to all get a house together or something.
thanksgiving is next week and today, colby and i are flying out to kansas to have an early celebration with his family.
it's november 18th and we're staying till the 23rd is kansas.
"this is so stressful i just want to go to bed" i complained to colby as we facetimed. it was 9pm and i was just now packing. we had to leave for the airport by 10.
"baby do you want me to come help me pack?" he asked me.
"please?" i asked him, grinning up towards the camera of my phone.
we said our goodbyes and colby was on his way to my house. i had just finished packing my dogs kanken bag filled with all of there stuff for the plane and their suitcase. the flight is just under 4 hours so they didn't need much in their carry-on. all three of my dogs were licensed emotional support dogs so we could bring them on the plane.
i then started packing my suitcase again. i heard the monitor ring in the living room. i buzzed colby up and he was soon walking into my apartment.
he followed me to my room, sitting down on the floor, folding the clothes that i had already tossed on the suitcase. wow he must really like me, he hates doing laundry.
by 10:15 we were ready to go out the door. all three dogs in their carriers and all of our suitcases.
colby carried my large suitcase down as well as the dogs small suitcase. i had all three soft dog carriers and there backpack as well as my louis vuttion palm springs bag.
we got down to the car and loaded our stuff in.
we arrived at the airport at exactly 11pm. we went through security and we began boarding.
we were in first class so we were sat next to each other in the two seat section. i was by the window holding elle and mochi whereas colby only had posie. they all had to stay in their carriers but we were holding them none the less.
we both ended up falling asleep and not waking up till our arrival. welp i guess i'm going to be meeting colby's family in the next half hour.