birth and baby shower

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january 8th.

tara had her twins on december 16th. her daughter first and then their son. which i'm sure their daughter will hold above him for the rest of her life.

ayla jade webber and lucas gray webber. they were adorable little babies and good thing i'm already pregnant because i have major baby fever.

kat is three months and i am seven months today. today was actually my baby shower and it went great.

i was so ready to pop.

we enjoyed colbys birthday by having a little get together, just like my birthday. he didn't want a big party or anything, even though i told him he could do whatever he wanted.

i had gotten rid of all of my cars asides from my range rover and g wagon. since we were having kids, we obviously needed cars that could handle kids. so i said goodbye to the pink jeep wrangler and all of my other smaller cars.

colby had his range rover still that i had gotten him for his 22nd birthday.

he's 23 now. which feels crazy to me since he was 20 when we met.

my mom got my daughter her first louis vuitton bag today. it was so sweet of her.

i had been buying the babies tons of clothes and toys. it was kind of a problem.

"hi baby, how ya feeling?" colby asked me, walking into our bedroom.

"nervous." i confessed.

"why's that?" he asked, sitting next to me.

"i've never been a mom before. i don't know what to expect." i admitted.

"you're going to be a great mom. i'm sure of it. no one ever really knows what to expect. you just kinda have to roll with it." he told me. i nodded to him and he laid down in the bed.

"do you mind going out for dinner? i haven't left the house in days." i told him.

"of course... what're you in the mood for?" he asked me.

"honestly, sushi but i'll settle for salad." i laughed. oh how bad i wanted to have some sushi.

"sounds good." he laughed.

"i'm so fat." i groaned.

"you are not. you're pregnant." he told me.

"yeah yeah, call it what you want. help me out of bed." i insisted.

we had gone to my dads movie premiere together about two weeks ago which my feet hurt so bad the whole night and i was so uncomfortable.

other than that, i hadn't been to any events since i was three months.

i threw on a tight shirt and a pair of leggings so you could tell i was pregnant and not just obese.

"i want a chick fil a milk shake too." i told colby as he walked next to me.

"that's fine." he said

"i ordered the babies each a pair of air force ones." i told him.

"that's gonna be so cute." he laughed.

january 16th

"go out, have fun!" i told tara, taking ayla from her.

"are you sure? it's only been a month." she asked.

"ayla and luke are perfectly fine here. i've got them." i told her, giving luke his binky.

"okay." she replied nervously

"colby will be home in like half an hour. they're in good hands." i insisted.

"i know they are... ill just miss them." she said

"you're going for dinner tara. you'll be gone for two hours tops." i laughed.

"okay, okay. bye, i love the three of you!" she said, giving ayla and luke each a kiss and then hugging me.

jake has said goodbye and went out to the car nearly twenty minutes ago.

"awh ayla, you've got your mommy's eyes... and your daddy's dimples." i smiled to her. "and lukeys got his mommas nose and eyebrows."

boy i couldn't wait to have my babies.

super super short chapter!! sorry :(

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