mathews point of view
july 10thviolet... the interior of your house is beautiful. your mother did a great job at decorating. it's sad that i was unable to meet you before...
i met your twin brother when the two of you were just small... but i never had the chance of meeting you. i didn't know you existed until a friend of mine told me about a year ago.
and now that the restraining order is over, i finally get to meet you.
you are identical to your mother. your face is slightly less defined and you've got a bigger butt but nonetheless, you are your mothers daughter.
your little dogs, winston and twyla, seemingly like me.
you're currently out at cheer practice with ayla and the rest of your team.
grayson and mason are both at football and cartia is out with her friends.
so i'm at your house, playing with your dogs.
i had went in your room... it's got a very you vibe to it, which makes sense. i turned one of your records on... it just so happened to be an old harry styles record that was your mothers. i remember it.
i sat on your couch. your kitten, which i learned has the name ophelia, apprehensively walked around me and eventually sat by my feet.
i looked around your room, noticing there were a lot of photos of you with your boyfriend and your friends.
quite a bit with your family as well. i can tell that you and your mother are close. i wonder how she's doing...
im deciding to leave your house at one, knowing you'd be back with a group of your friends. however i also know that the only one you truly care about it ayla.
i'm sure your boyfriend, luke and your brother grayson will also join you, along with a few of the boys on the football team.
i hear the door to your bedroom jiggle. oh shit.
i got up and ran to the closet. i hid right behind your 'event' dress section. which consisted of all of the outfits you've worn too events that you don't want to get rid of. i knew you wouldn't need anything off of this rack.
"that's so fucking annoying." you huffed out.
"violet, it's not his fault." one of your bitchy friends said.
"i know it's not, kova. but it's annoying." you said.
"he would never do anything, vee. people flirt with him all of the time." another girl said.
"elsie, stop. she can be mad if she wants to." ayla defended you.
"why don't we just order some food." a girl suggested.
"lo is right. i want chipotle." nikova said.
lo must be your friend lockett... what a strange name.
nikova is actually one of your best friends as well... being the daughter of your mothers dead best friends sister. lexi had a younger sister who gave birth to kova just a year after lexis death.
elsie is the last one in the room, as far as i know.
i was soon mistaken when i heard verena and blaise also speak up.
from what i could get from the conversation, someone flirted with luke and now you're made. the girls and yourself were waiting for the boys to finish their practice since theirs always lasted a half an hour after yours.
one of the younger girls on your squad was flirting with him on break today, despite everyone knowing of your relationship.
"arlen is so stupid if she thinks she can get away with that..." your trailed off, still mad that arlen flirted with luke.
you pushed your closet door the rest of the way open, making me suck in a breath.
you grabbed a pair of leggings out of the drawer and then found one of your boyfriends hoodies to throw on, grabbing a matching one for ayla.
you took the two outfits into your room and it seemed that all of you girls were changing into comfy outfits.
you came back in and put your dirty clothes into the hamper and then exited again.
"vee?" i heard someone yell through the house.
"we're in my room!" you yelled back down.
soon enough, there was a group of 6 boys in your room. i was able to see now because of the way you left the door.
i noticed luke and grayson immediately. westly, mich, jasper and ash were names i had to learn.
west and verena seemingly had something going on. blaise and jasper as well.
ash and mitch seemed to be flirty with kova, elsie and lockett. so clearly that was just their personalities.
luke had wondered to your shower since he was at practice, grayson doing the same but in his own room.
you sat with with other four boys and six girls. your chipotle came so you instructed jasper and west, who seemed like little lost puppies who will do anything for you, to go get the food.
it seemed as west had a little crush on you... although the dynamic seemed as though verena and westly are dating.
luke and grayson soon came back, mitch and ash being the two to shower next.
you sat in between luke's legs and started eating your chipotle bowl as he ate his. it looks like you get the same exact thing as your mother...

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.