august 11th
"hi dad!" i said, hugging my dad when we got to his apartment.
"hi baby." he told me.
"hey, chris." colby smiled, shaking my dads hand. my dad and colby got along really really well at the wedding so all was well. my dad knows how good colby treats me.
"what brings you guys to new york?" he asked us. my dad had permanently moved into a penthouse in new york city, taking elliana and my step mom with him.
"just visiting... i have a present for each of you though... just a little something we brought back from our honeymoon." i told him... which technically wasn't a lie.
i gave the three of them the gifts. my dads was a little card that said "see you in 2020, grandpa." and my step moms was nearly the same. elliana is obviously novas aunt but i got her a shirt that says "auntie elli" on it.
"oh my god! adelaide, this cant be real?!" my step mom said.
"it is... were due february 2020." i smiled.
they all congratulated the two of us and hugged us. we told bre and jack that day as well. their reactions were so cute. i missed them a lot while i was in LA.
we told a few of my new york friends while we were there as well as my grandparents, who had the cutest reaction.
next was kansas.
we did invite his aunt lori to our wedding but she didn't come so this was our first time seeing her in a while. i don't think she was exactly happy that colby married me and she evidently will not like the fact that i'm carrying his child.
august 13th
"hi guys! we were so excited to hear you were coming in." lesa said, pulling me into a hug. colbys mom was the sweetest ever.
"well we're excited to be visiting!" i told her.
"how's the married life? my son isn't a bad husband, is he?" she asked, laughing.
"i've honestly never been happier lesa... he treats me like a princess." i told her.
"as he should... you deserve it." she told me, smiling. "where is he anyways?"
"he ran to get us food... we weren't sure when you guys would be getting home." i told her.
i had been alone at colbys house for about half an hour since i asked him to get us food and lesa just got home.
"is gage going to be here tonight?" i asked her.
"he should be... he might be staying with his friends but i can let him know that you guys are here." she suggested
"that sounds nice." i smiled. "we should all go out for a nice dinner tonight." i told her
"that sounds lovely! i'll let steven know." she told me. i nodded to her.
"so have you and colby talked about babies yet? i want a grand baby and clearly, gage isn't helping with that." she laughed, making me choke on my water.
"we've talked about it..." i trailed off, wanting colby to be here for the announcement we had planned.
"well at least it's crossed your mind. sorry to startle you with that question." she laughed again.
"it's all good. just caught me off guard." i laughed.
"hi girls." colby said, walking into the kitchen.
"awh my baby! i've missed you." lesa said to colby, hugging him.
"i missed you too mom." he laughed, hugging her back.
lesa was probably the hardest to keep the secret from since i know she wanted grandkids so bad.
colby and i ended up going to hunter and caroline's house and told them so that they could help us tell lesa and steven.
we were outside of the fancy restaurant and i asked them to get a picture with colby and i. i handed caroline my camera which was on record and then colby and i got into the frame, next to lesa and steven.
"okay everyone say 'adelaides pregnant' on three. one... two... three."
"adelaides preg... wait really?!" lesa said
steven also caught on and i nodded, confirming that i am in fact pregnant.
"are you serious? how far along are you? this is the best day of my life!" lesa exclaimed.
"we're due in february." i laughed
"congratulations guys. i'm happy for you." steven said, giving colby a hug as lesa gave me a bone crushing hug.
"congratulations!" lesa exclaimed as she pulled colby into a hug as steven moved over to hug me.
"our first grand baby, steven! we're finally going to be grandparents!" she said. she was so
excited. her reaction had to be one of my favorites.we went into the restaurant and got seated. i gave lesa the same necklace as i gave my mom and i gave steven the same key ring as i did to my stepdad.
gage came, and he brought his friends adam and one i had never met, ryker.
"gage, we brought a present for you from our honeymoon." i smiled.
"oh sick. thanks guys." he told us.
i handed him the little box that had a mug that had a sonogram picture and said 'uncle gage' on it.
he opened it and i saw him read him.
"oh, really?! shit guys that's awesome. when're you due?" he asked, hugging colby and then me.
"february first." i smiled.
adam and ryker both congratulated us as well and we finished our food.
august 14th
we just told colbys grandparents that we were pregnant and they were so cute. they told me that they never expected to have grandchildren and that they were over the moon.
eventually, all of colbys family was at his grandparents house since we asked to have a little reunion while colby and i were in town.
"alright, let's all take a group photo!" i said. everyone agreed and got into position in front of my camera.
"okay, on three, everyone say 'adelaides pregnant!'" colby said.
there was a series of 'oh my gods' and 'are you serious' and 'congratulations'
everyone was hugging colby and i and telling us they were happy for us.
his aunt lori came up to me and apologized for missing the wedding, which i knew colbys grandma told her to do but at least she did it.
everything was coming together and i couldn't be happier.

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.