colby and i were sat on the couch with tara, kat, jake, corey and dev in the living room. we were all waiting for sam to finish his intro. we were in the background of the frame so we tried to keep it quiet till he was ready to introduce us.
i was laying back on colbys chest and talking to tara about this party that colby and i had gone to the previous night.
i watched colby pull his juul out of his pocket and take a hit. he held the juul up to my mouth, allowing me to also take a hit. (juuling is bad kids)
this went on for a minute or so until sam said he was ready. sam, kat, colby, tara, jake, devyn, corey and i were all going to play hide and seek in target.
colby and i decided to hide together so we were both just in the baby section hiding behind the boxes of strollers and car seats and high chairs.
sam walked past us several times, not finding us. he eventually found everyone except us.
kat ended up finding us for him and we won the game so corey, who was found first, had to buy us dinner.
"come join me out in the hot tub." i told colby while pulling my hair up into a ponytail.
"i might in a bit. i have to finish editing this." he said showing me his half finished thumbnail on his laptop while i adjusted my bikini.
i nodded, my lips in a straight line, spinning on my heel and grabbing a towel on my way out. i was a little upset he wasn't joining me because we hadn't seen much of each other this week but i understood that he had to work.
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i went outside in my neon green bikini, hydro flask and towel in hand. nobody else was home asides from colby and i which was very very rare but half of them went out to get ice cream and the other half were out doing their own thing.
i sat on the edge of the hot tub, slowly getting in. once i was in the water, i put my head up against the back and closed my eyes.
not even ten minutes later i heard the sliding door open, looking over to see colby in his swim trunks. i smiled to myself as he walked over, getting in as well.
"you're mad at me, huh hun?" he asked, reaching over and pulling me into his body.
"i wouldn't say mad. i just want to spend time with you is all." i said wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands rubbed up and down my sides.
"mmm" he mumbled before kissing me hard on the lips.
we both moaned into the kiss and colby lifting me onto the edge of the hot tub, not breaking the kiss. we both pulled away for a second to breathe before reattaching.
we continued to make out for a couple of minutes.
colby eventually pulled away. "as much as i want you right now, we shouldn't be doing this in the hot tub." he said.
"none of our friends our home. we've got nothing to lose." i said as i breathed out.
colby went back into kissing me. he looped his fingers into the sides of my bikini bottoms, waiting a minute before pulling them down. he was holding my bottoms in a ball in his hand before setting them down on the side of the hot tub, next to us.
i was sat in my bikini top and him in his swim trunks before he made his way down to my stomach, leaving kisses the whole way down. he eventually got down far enough to kiss my inner thighs. after that i was a moaning mess as i sat, gripping onto the edge of the hot tub, as colby continued his assault on me.
after i finished, i returned to favor to colby.
we were both out of breath but i put my bottoms back on as did colby. we sat there for a couple minutes, allowing our breathing to even out while laying in each other's arms before we both decided to get out and go upstairs.
we both ended up deciding to get into the shower.
june 5th
i woke up in the morning, wrapped in colbys arms. i was in his mötley crüe shirt that was much too big on me.
i was laying on my phone, scrolling through instagram when i noticed colby stirring in his sleep. he eventually opened his eyes and started looking at my instagram feed with me.
he later took my phone out of my hands and set it on the other side of him. he grabbed my waist and pulled me up so i was on top of him, my thighs on either side of his waist.
"what was that for?" i asked giggling.
"i just wanted to see your pretty face." he said, pulling me down for a kiss. i smiled at him as he rolled us over so he was back on top.
we layed back in bed for a bit longer before deciding we both needed to get up and shower.
it was very cold in our bathroom so i turned on very hot water. colby got in first and started washing his hair and then allowing me to get under the water and shampoo mine.
i moved to the back of the shower while he began to rinse his shampoo out. i was basically shivering as i wasn't under the water so i moved forward and put my head on his chest so the water was hitting.
"well someone's clingy this morning huh?" he asked me.
"just cold." i said looking up at his through my eyelashes that had drops of water on them.
he nodded, pulling me under the water and rinsing the shampoo out of my hair before rubbing conditioner all through it.
he had kept me under the warm water for the remainder of our shower before he got out and wrapped a towel around us. i smiled as he pulled me into him, both of us only in towels.
"i love you baby." colbys said, kissing in my wet hair.