adelaides point of view
august 23rd
it's been exactly a month since i had walked in on colby cheating. my birthday passed, on august 8th in which the trap house and i went to cabo, excluding colby.
i'm now living back at the trap house in the room that colby cheated on me in. colby is simply not on speaking terms with any of us.
he moved out about a week after i left, but not fully. most of his items are in the guest bedroom. there is pretty much nothing of his in "our" room. the fans, as well as most of my friends and family, still don't know that we broke up.
i haven't seen a glimpse of him since or opened any of his messages. as far as i know, sam is really the only one who is talking to him for now.
so that leads me to right now. i'm sitting on the counter at this party that we're throwing at the house. my arms are draped around some guy who just so happened to be in front of me. i didn't even know his name but who cares. i was tuned out to the conversation the group in front of me were having.
i'm clearly wasted.
i jumped down off the counter to walk to the living room.
the guy i had been hanging onto grabbed my wrist.
"excuse me?" i said turning towards him.
"you think you can just walk away like that?" at this point, everyone who was standing in that circle was now listening.
"yeah? this is my house." i said. he gripped my wrist even more hard. he forced himself closer to me and i tried to turn away again.
"you don't get to just walking away from me. why don't we take this upstairs, huh?" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
"get the fuck off of her bradley." i heard one of the boys in the group say.
"back off ethan. this is between me and adelaide." the guy who i guess is bradley said.
"don't touch me asshole." i said trying to pull away again. 'ethan' gave me a sympathetic look before round housing bradley in the jaw.
bradley immediately let go of my wrist. he stumbled back a tiny bit before slapping me in the face. "fucking bitch" he muttered under his breath as he walked away.
i stood there in shock at what had just happened.
"hey are you okay?" ethan asked me.
"uh yeah. i'm fine. thank you." i smiled at him.
"no problem. he's an asshole. i'm sorry that happened to you." he said. "do you want me to help you get that cleaned up?"
that's when i noticed that bradley's ring had cut into my face, leaving blood running down my cheek.
"yeah. thanks again for helping me. god knows what he would have done if you didn't help me." i said smiling.
we walked up the stairs and into my room.
" is this your room?" he asked. i nodded to him in response before we walked into my bathroom.
i got out some cleaning stuff and a bandaid.
"here i can do it for you." he said to me. i hopped up onto the counter in my bathroom.
he dumped the cleaning liquid onto a cotton pad, dabbing it over when the ring sliced through my skin. i winced and scrunched my face at the slight burning sensation.
"that was so cute." he laughed at me, making me smile. i giggled with him, not knowing how else to respond.
"i'm sorry i never got your name?" i said to him. i knew his name was ethan but small talk, right?
"oh yeah. i'm ethan langford." he said, smiling.
"well ethan langford, i'm adelaide nolan." i said smiling back at him as he put the band aid over the cut.
"you've got a pretty name. it matches you." he said
"why thank you." i said giggling. i just got slapped in the face however i hadn't found myself smiling this much in a long long time.
ethan and i left the bathroom and returned to my bedroom.
"hey i think i'm gonna stay up here for the night. i'm not really in a partying mood anymore. you can join me if you'd like." i said with a smile.
"yeah that's cool. let me go tell my friends not to wait up for me." he said as he walked out of my room.
i went into the bathroom again, taking my makeup off and throwing my hair up into a messy bun. i walked into my closet and took off my shorts and crop top and threw on a white oversized tee shirt that was actually jakes that i accidentally took when we went to cabo.
i then went back into my room, ethan already sitting on my bed. he smirked up at me when i walked in. "addi, you're really pretty." he said making me grin.
"thank you. you're really hot." i said laughing as i fell onto the bed next to him. he laughed with me before i asked him "do you want some more comfy clothes? i can run over to my roommates room and grab you a pair of joggers."
"yeah that'll be great. these pants are a little tight." he said making us both laugh again.
i ran into jakes room and grabbed a pair of his black joggers before returning to my room and locking the door.
"here ya go." i said handing him the clothes. it was 3am so i didn't want him to be stuck in jeans and a tee shirt.
"i'm gonna run downstairs and grab us some snacks i'll be right back." i said, giving him some time to change in peace.
i ran down and grabbed some cookies and some waters for us, trying to ignore the 500 people in my house, watching me.
i went back into my room, ethan laying on my bed with only black joggers on. he was ripped. and really attractive in general.
i went over and sat on the other side of the bed, criss cross applesauce. i turned on the tv and started playing reruns of friends. we talked through the whole episode, just getting to know each other.
ethan is 25. which is 6 years older than me. he didn't seem that old though. he grew up in colorado, near where my family's cabin is. he moved to LA at 17 with his family.
hes a photographer but he also surfs, plays guitar and he loves to go hiking and play sports.
we talked about guitar for a while as that's one of my favorite instruments to play as well.
the second episode of friends began playing and we were still just talking about our favorite things.
i don't know how or when but i suppose we eventually fell asleep because i woke up in his arms, under the blankets.
i ended up laying back down and just enjoy being in ethan's arms. it was nice to feel safe and protected again.
my bedroom door then opened so i looked up, seeing a very mad colby. my eyes widened to make sure i was seeing this right.
"what the fuck adelaide." colby said, waking ethan up.
ethan looked over at him, confused.
"i'm done." he said slamming the door shut. i wasn't going to go after him. he cheated on me. we broke up. we were done.
i looked at a very confused ethan, who was waiting for an explanation. so i got straight into telling him about how colby cheated on me and that we were over.
ethan ended up going home after that to get ready and then we were going to go have breakfast together at mel's cafe.

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.