adelaides pov
day 2 - july 7th
"are the kids being good for you?" i asked violet through the phone.
"same old, same old. cartia and mason got into a fight last night but it wasn't major. i just told cartia to go to sam and kats house to hang with carter." she informed me.
"okay... thanks again for making sure they're okay. i know it probably ruined your weekend. but i'm sure you are also enjoying having luke over without your dad and i there." i laughed.
we weren't technically allowed our phones but they made the slight exception for anyone with kids.
"no problem. howre the challenges going?" she asked me.
"we've only had one so far... speaking of, i need to go get my mic on. i love you angel, i'll call you again as soon as they let me have my phone again. text dad if you need anything!" i told her
"okay mom, i love you! bye." she replied
"tell your siblings that we love and miss them!" i told her before hanging up.
we had to get ready for the wet relay race. so i quickly threw on a random neon green bikini i had packed, tossing tara my purple one since she forgot a swimsuit.
we were all outside and kian and jc were explaining how the game worked.
you had to spin around with your head on a bat three times and then you had to get the fishing hook on the little bobber thing and then hang it on the wall. then you had to do an egg race thing and then jump into the pool.
lena and ryan went first. it looked easy enough but you never really know until you're doing it yourself.
i was next, along with kenny. sadly.
i beat him... not that it mattered since it was girls vs girls and boys vs boy.
everyone went and kenny was freaking the fuck out because 'harrison's hook was at the top of the jar' he wouldn't let it go.
they checked footage and he was wrong.
it was a six foot pool and teala was freaking out since she 'can't swim' so they gave her a life jacket.
harrison and i were playing a game of ping pong and then tab came over and wanted to verse him but she of course had to make fun of him before doing so.
how can someone make fun of harrison????
harrison had the fastest time for the water race on the boys side so he was immune to getting voted out.
teala was the fastest for the girls side so she was also immune.
they made kenny and ryan both come forward so we knew one of them had the worst time. kenny, thankfully, lost to ryan.
they asked tab and taylor to come forward and tab was acting like a complete bitch again.
taylor did lose the challenge to tab but tab did not have to be so malicious and rude about it. i get that she's a single mom and probably needs the money but she doesn't have to insult people like that. no wonder she's single.
harrison and ryan were the only two boys i wanted to win. manny and imari are fine as well but i wanted kenny gone
as for girls, andrea, tara and i were the people i wanted to stay in.
kenny was talking mad shit on everyone and being a complete asshole.
kenny and taylor were already in the elimination so that left me to vote out the bitch that kian calls his sister.
as for boys, i voted imari out.
"why'd you choose them?" kian asked me from behind the camera.
"i know imari can take kenny on... and no offense kian, i love tab, but she's being awfully bitchy throughout this whole thing." i said, laughing.
ryan, imari, tab and andrea were the only ones with votes.
"ryan got three votes. andrea for ten... i mean two." kian laughed.
"tab you got eight and imari you got seven," kian laughed.
tara was my most trusted person and i knew that i could tell her anything and it wouldn't get out. same with andrea and harrison.
the four of us all seemed to be the least hated. no one was attacking manny either and no one had the chance to attack teala since she was immune.
well i guess we'll see which of the four go out tonight. (tab, taylor, kenny and imari)
the updates will be coming out as season 2 of the reality house comes out so they'll be a lil spacey!

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.