adelaides point of view
july 23rdi ended up staying in maryland for a few days just incase it was my aunts last days. i texted
everyone and told them that i'd be coming home either the 24th or the 25th but i got a flight out early since my aunt is doing better.i had stopped at my grandparents because my gran and i were going to get tea after i landed. it was nice... we talked about colby and i and how elena is due soon. she's very excited for her first grandchild.
after that, i made my way home from my grandmas house. i walked in and was met with jake and corey.
"hey guys!" i said hugging them.
"adelaide what's up?" jake said hugging me back
"i just got in... are tara and colby here?" i asked
"tara and kat are getting their nails done but i think colbys up in your room."
"okay thanks." i smiled as i grabbed my bag and carried it up the stairs.
i got to my room and i opened the door. my jaw dropped. colby was in bed with another girl. tears rolled down my face before i could even comprehend what was going on.
"you know what, fuck you. i hate you." i said, making him notice me as i slammed the door behind me. i heard rustling in OUR room which made me assume he was gonna come after me.
the next thing i know, i'm running down the stairs as colby is chasing after me in his underwear.
"adelaide wait it's not what you think." he said
"then what is it? huh, colby? do you think i'm that stupid? have fun with that fucking bitch." i said grabbing my g wagon keys off of the rack. as i was about to open the door, corey and jake showed up.
"what's going on guys?" corey said.
"ask colby. he's the one who cheated on me." i said as even more tears ran down my face.
the mystery girl came down the stairs. she's was evidently wearing colbys shirt. as soon i saw her face i was even more livid.
it was liv.
"you've got to be fucking kidding me! out of all people, it's that whore?" i asked as i got closer to colby i pushed him back. "do you understand what you're doing to me right now. do you understand what i feel like right now? did you even think of me at all and how this would affect me? my aunts dying in the hospital and you decide to cheat on me?!" i screamed.
"colby are you serious??" jake asked.
colby looked confused as jake sided with me.
"i'm-i'm sorry adelaide." he said
"save it- i'm done." i grabbed my bag off the floor and went out the door.
"that's not cool colby. isn't your biggest fear to be cheated on too?" i heard corey say as he and jake followed me out to the car.
they stopped me when i approached my car.
"do you mind if we drive with you? we just want to make sure you're okay." jake said.
"yeah i can drive and then you can rant to us or just cry it out or whatever you need to do." corey said.
"okay." i nodded and laughed through my tears. my heart actually felt like it was breaking in pieces.
"where do you want to go?" corey asked.
"take me to the beverly hills hotel. my mom always saves a room there for me." i said as more tears rolled down my face.
i've never experienced anything more heart breaking. has he done this before? was he going to tell me if i didn't walk in? why did it have to happen at such a bad time?
incoming call: mom
i furrowed my brows in confusion. my mom never really called me. we facetime a lot but rarely ever call.
i swiped accept and held my phone up to my ear.
"adelaide! oh adelaide. elena isn't doing too well..." she paused and the tears started coming down even harder, as if that was even possible.
"what do you mean she's not doing well? is the baby okay?" i asked
"they don't know yet. she was at her new apartment and she just started bleeding really bad. i have to go but hang tight, i'll text you with updates!" she said.
i could tell she had been crying and i can't imagine how elena is doing.
my day genuinely couldn't get worse.
i explained to jake and corey what had happened. they were both worried for
me. i was worried for me.we eventually pulled up to my moms hotel.
we got out of the car and walked in to the front desk. the lady standing there glared at me as i had been bawling my eyes out and still had tears running down my face. i had on an oversized hoodie and my hair was a wreck.
"can i get my room key." i said to the lady who was awfully judgey.
"sorry...were... full." she said looking me up in down.
"room 808 is my room. i don't have my key on me." i said, not in the mood for her being sassy. i know it's not fully booked.
"sorry that room is reserved." she said.
"yeah, reserved for adelaide nolan. so give me my key." i said, putting my license down on the table.
her jaw dropped. "i'm so sorry ms. nolan. i'll have your room ready in just a moment." she said.
"what's your name?" i asked her
"bella, ma'am." she said, looking even more nervous than before.
"okay. i need my room key." i said
she handed me my key and i simply just walked away because i was annoyed.
we got up to my room and i opened the door, walking in and going to lay on my bed. jake and corey walked in behind me and sat in the living room of my room. it was basically like a studio apartment.
"will you guys bring tara here? i need to talk to her." i asked. i needed my best friend right now
"yeah of course. i'll go pick her up." jake said
"ad, do you want me to stay here or go with jake?" corey asked.
"you can go. i kinda just need to think for a few minutes." they said their good byes and then left, leaving me with my own thoughts.
incoming call: dad

xplr ; colby brock
FanfictionAdelaide meets colby while filming an exploring video with her friends.