today, elton, corey, jake, sam, colby and i are all going to an amusement for an overnight TFIL video. i'm excited but nervous to get caught.
at the amusement park
we've been at the amusement park for about an hour. they should be closing soon so we decided to put jake in the back of this weird old western looking game so he could let us back into the arcade. the other 5 of us were going to hide in the castle of the mini golf course.
after about 15 minutes at the course, we went to see if all the employees left before we got jake.
we were looking through one of the windows and noticed that jake started running for the entrance. soon the worker had caught him and asked him to go wait in a little room. i was kinda freaking out for him.
soon elton told us that it was all just a prank and that he payed them to let us stay. after letting jake know this information, we decided to go ride a ride. we chose to ride this ride where the seats spin while the whole ride spins.
corey and elton rode first then sam and jake. colby and i were last so we got strapped in and we went around a couple time and then it stopped directly at the top. oh shit.
"bye" we heard one of the boys yell from the bottom. profanities left colby's mouth not going to lie, it was pretty hot. i was shivering and colby seemed to notice as he took off his hoodie and instructed me to put it on. i knew he'd get cold but he also insisted that i wear it.
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ad's fit ^
i accepted the hoodie as i was only in a small bodysuit and jeans. colbs and i talked for a bit before we felt the ride start moving. i hurried and flicked the camera on, catching the moment. the ride started going down as the boys revealed to us that they had gone go karting.
we went and we rode these weird water rides and ate and did a bunch of fun stuff while we were there.
i was just waiting for more #cadelaide cute moments part 2 on youtube. i knew it was going to say about the fact that colby insisted on me wearing his hoodie and that we went on the ride together.
walking to the parking lot, i found that my hand was intertwined with colby's. i smiled to myself thinking about our date that's on friday. our first date. i knew elton had been filming behind us. i'm assuming the fans will probably end up getting the slightest glimpse of our hands and freak and make 1000 videos about it.
it was around 6am when we got back to the trap house. my arm has been doing better in the past 4 days.
i was excited to see elle, mochi and posie. speaking of dogs, i'm suppose to puppy sit my friends two dogs, mazi and rari. i love dogs if you couldn't tell haha.
colby's point of view (that Wednesday night )
"hey what's up you guys! tonight i'm gonna be pranking one of my best friends. adelaide, by dying her dogs. so she has three mini Pomeranians. their names are mochi, elle and posie and she's obsessed with them. like they have their own closet and she makes them homemade treats all the time and she just loves them more than anything. i did this prank on elton a while back and uh he was not exactly happy. role the clip. anyways, these dogs mean the world to addi so we're gonna dye them. i think that elle and mochi are going to be the only two who we can actually dye seeing as posie is black so it probably won't show up on her fur."
"hey what's up guys, it's been a couple hours and i had kat take adelaide to see a movie while i steal and dye her dogs. i just picked all three dogs up but only the white and orange one are getting dyed. i just pulled up to the groomers." i said flipping my camera towards the sign.
"so i'm not gonna completely coat them in dye like i did to circa because addi would actually kill me." i said laughing, but not joking.
"so let's get this started." i said walking into the groomer with sam.
addi 🌹- do you have pos, mochi and elle?? colbs 🥰- yeah, i thought i texted you and told you i was taking them on a walk addi 🌹- why're you so far from my house with them haha im confused colbs 🥰- i'm taking them to that place where you get them dog fro yo sometimes addi 🌹- awh okay, thank you for being the best dog dad for my girls ahaha you're so sweet and thoughtful
"well shit guys, addi just texted me and asked me if i had the dogs. all of the dogs have chips in them and they have trackers on their collars which i should've thought about but i told her i had them out for fro yo. so i'm gonna leave sam here with the dogs and go get them fro yo and put it on my story so she'll see it before they're dyed."
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the pic he posted on his story ^
so i put the picture on my story so now it's time to get the girls dyed!"
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"so i got elle done blue and mochi done pink. adelaide is going to kill me but i think the dogs look cute. they didn't do it very dark this time so it should come out faster than circa did." i said to the camera.
an hour later
"so guys, addi just texted me and said she's almost home. i'm getting super nervous because i know she's gonna be mad."
adelaide walked in the house. "moch, ellie, posie, where are you? where are my pretty girls?" she said walking into the kitchen.
"they're in my room, i was getting a snack." i said to her as she came over hugging me hello. i hugged her back and started walking her up the stairs. i had cameras set up in my room so we'd get her reaction.
to say she was mad was an understatement. she was pretty mad but she got over it quick. she ended up taking the dogs back to her house after letting me know that she will still be in attendance to our date the following night.