"good morning, addi." colby said, handing me a drink and a bag. i sat up, looking at the iced coffee from the cafe across the street and the bagel bag. i grinned "thank you baby."
"you're welcome. elena asked me if i wanted to go over with her this morning and since you weren't awake, i thought hey why not." he said smiling. i nodded, still grinning even though i was sad that they didn't wake me up and ask me.
colby and i watched the office while i ate my breakfast, malibu chilling with us for a bit.
"i do not want to go to my meeting today. i said sighing as i rolled over in bed.
"it's only for two hours and then we can go out for lunch." colby said. i nodded, groaning as i threw my covers off of me and proceeded to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower.
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i threw on a grey half-zip and a pair of gray biker shorts. i knew i was gonna be cold as it's late november but hey, at least i looked cute?
i walked back into my bedroom, now fully dressed. i asked colby what his plans were while i was in my meeting.
"elena asked me if i wanted to go with her to her friends for a bit. theyre going to lunch... i think i'm gonna go but not eat so i can have lunch with you." he said smiling. i nodded before grabbing my stuff and telling him bye. i didn't wait for his response before i shut the door.
colbs 🥰- are you okay adelaide? addi 🌹- yeah. why wouldn't we be? colbs 🥰- you just seemed mad idk.
i left him on read, entering the building of my meeting.
the lady at the front desk told me i had about 15 minutes before they were ready for me. i went and sat in the waiting room.
i know that since i'm not able to be out with colby, i should be happy he's still having fun but elena's friends are all gorgeous and i don't want anyone stealing him.