i haven't been able to get adelaide off my mind at all since our date last night. she looked so perfect the whole night. everytime she would see one of her favorite disney characters, her face would light up. i couldn't help but buy her the stitch stuffed animal.
i noticed that other people noticed it to. everywhere i would look, someone would be staring at her. she's just so perfect, i couldn't blame them.
i'm already jealous about her and we aren't even dating yet. everytime i would see a boy looking, i would grab her hand or kiss her cheek.
i have to have her. i want to be able to call her mine. i want to make sure that none of those guys who were staring at her will ever have her. she's insane. her personality is like no one i've ever met before. she's so sweet and caring however she has this feisty and sarcastic personality too. she's the most perfect person i've ever met.
i'm taking her out again tomorrow and i think i'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. she's coming over tonight to hang out with kat and devyn but i'm sure i'll figure out a way to make her hang out with me.
adelaides point of view.
i can't get over how good our date went. i already like him more than brad and bryce combined. i know that he's the kind of guy i could see my self being with forever. that may be taking it a little far seeing as we aren't even dating yet but i can't not think about how cute our kids would be and how we'll have a beautiful house and a perfect wedding. calm down adelaide, not everything is as good as it seems.
we're going out tomorrow night too. which is random cause it's a sunday but we just wanted to be together.
today i'm going to hang out with kat and dev. i think we're going to film a trap house mukbang for my channel with everyone who's there tonight.
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i just posted this picture on my snapchat story with the caption "stay hydrated kids💧" colby slid up on the story and said "wow you're so stunning it's insane"
i smiled to myself, rereading the message multiple times. i called lexi into my room to show her the messages.
"lexi look at this omg" i said as she walked over to my bed. she read through all of the messages starting at the one where he slid up and called me stunning.
lexi grinned at me, telling me she was happy for me. i know she was a little upset because she likes colby but overall, she seemed happy for me. madeline and jake have gone out 2 or 3 times since we met all of the trap house and they're super cute together, brennen and mel have been talking a lot but i don't think they've gone out yet. gracie and aaron have been hanging out a lot too but i don't know if that's going anywhere or if they're just friends. alexis still isn't seeing anyone and as far as i know, neither is gracie.
colby and i had gone out to get lunch and hung out at the grove for a bit as a little date.