Something Different

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Tae P.O.V

As Jin drove us to school, all you could hear was Hobi trying to sing.


"Oh my fucking gosh, shut the fuck up Hoseok!", I yelled at him. I was already annoyed because of Jungkook this morning. Like, Bogum is the sweetest boy you'll ever meet. But, I don't know about how I feel. Jin and Namjoon just got together a few days ago, but both of them are bisexual. Jimin, of course, is gay. Hobi is a straight as a line, and me, Jungkook, and Yoongi don't know. Yoongi claims he is straight but we all know that boy is as straight as a circle.

"Ok dickheads, get out and go learn.", Jin said.

Jin went go to Namjoon and went go to their classes together. Me, Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook, had ART first, my favorite class.

"Oop, there's Taemin. Hey guys, go without me. I'm going to go hang with Taemin!", Jimin started walking away.

If hanging means fucking then, I guess that's about right.

Me and Hobi walked into class, and I felt eyes on me. I turned and there was Jungkook looking straight at me. What the frick frack patty wack?

I turned away and went to my seat.

"Ok class. Settle down, settle down. Your assignment today is to draw your partner's eyes, and draw what you see in them!"

The whole class got excited about being with a partner.

I turned to Hobi, "We working-"

"And before you all get hyped up-is that what you kids say now-anyway, I am choosing your partners."

Ugh, are u kidding me? I could just shove my foot-

"Taehyung and Jungkook."

My eyes widened and I looked back at Jungkook. He was smirking at me. I'm not gonna lie, he is hella fine, wait- ew. This is Kook we're talking about.

Hobi looked at me and started chuckling. "Good luck, Tae. I'm working with Bogum."

No fair! I'm supposed to work with-

"Hey penis fish.", Jungkook said, interrupting me from my thoughts. I looked around and saw Hobi laughing with Bogum.

"Don't call me that. And by the way, the only thing I see in your eyes is a low G.P.A"

"Yah! Can we just get this over with? I really wanna go see Lisa.", Kook whined.

"Why? So you can give her a S.T.D?"

"Jesus, Tae. I wear protection."

"Yeah ok. Anyway, are you going to draw me first orrrr?", I asked, annoyed.

"Sure, I'll draw you."

Kook took out his sketchpad and started to draw. I saw him staring at my eyes, and it was kind of weird. I looked away, blushing.

After a couple of minutes, he finished drawing my eyes.

After a couple of minutes, he finished drawing my eyes

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