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3rd Person P.O.V

The boys arrived to the bonfire, along with the other seniors.

There were going to be tears shed, laughter, and love throughout the whole time.

It was night, and the fire was burning in the backyard, at a jock's house.

They walked over and sat on the grass, surrounding the fire.

All of the seniors were there and they were just staring at the fire, thinking of all the memories they made together.

Everyone had drinks in their cups. Some couples were leaning onto each other.

"4 years passes by really fast, huh?", Namjoon broke the silence.

"Yeah. You know, we all hated each other. And some of us still do. But, at the end of the day, we're going our separate ways.", Jisoo said, leaning onto Hobi.

"Some of us hated each other and now, we couldn't love each other more.", Jungkook kissed Tae's forehead, as Kook had his arm wrapped around Tae's body.

Everyone cooed at the couple.

"How did you two even get together, man? Like, you said you weren't gay and shit. And all of a sudden, you date Taehyung.", Baekhyun drank out of his cup, and some boys chuckled.

"Well, people change.", Tae responded for Kook.

"Remember when Jimin beat the shit out of Lisa?", another girl laughed.

Her name was Yuri. Lisa and Yuri got into an "altercation" at the park once, and it didn't end well.

"Remember when I beat the shit out of you?", Lisa snapped back.

Everyone 'oouhed' and looked at the two girls.

"Oh, don't worry about Lisa, Yuri. She's just mad that I can still see that bruise on her forehead.", Jimin smiled innocently at Lisa and drank out of his cup, while everyone laughed.


"Ok, ok! No fights tonight.", Jennie glared at Lisa and Jimin.

Jimin shrugged in response.

"Ya'll wanna do class favorites?", Hobi asked everyone.

They all got excited and clapped, ready to see what category they would get.

"Ok, so who should be voted for 'most likely to succeeded'.", Jin asked.

As soon as he asked that question, everyone shouted,  "Namjoon!".

"What? Why me?", he laughed.

"Have you met you? You are smart as hell!", Jisoo shouted.

"Yeah! Plus, you are like literally perfect. You're probably going to be the next president of the United States.", a boy said.

"Why does everyone say that?", Namjoon shyly laughed.

"Ok, so Namjoon one that category.", Hobi rolled his eyes, playfully.

"Next, most friendly.", Jin announced.

"Jisoo!", everyone said, together.

She smiled and covered her face into Hobi's side.

"You're so nice, Jisoo. I honestly don't understand how you can be so nice to people you don't even know.", a girl smiled at her.

"Thanks, guys."

"Wait! We need those little fake trophies you have in the car, Namjoon. Go get them.", Jin told him as Namjoon went to the car.

He came back with a bag of little small trophies, and two rings.

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