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3rd person P.O.V

Tae woke up, already in a bad mood.

He wasn't feeling school today but he needed to go.

He was scared of what the students would do to him.

He sighed and rolled out of bed, and put on a hoodie with some jeans.

When Tae went downstairs, he saw Kook sitting down at the table, eating cereal.

He didn't want to speak to Kook. Well, he didn't want to speak to anyone. He just wanted to stick to himself. He knew Jungkook was upset, but he just needed some time.

Jungkook saw Tae and his eyes looked like he expected Tae to say something. Anything.

Tae kept his head down and got some Froot Loops, and was puring the milk in when Jungkook finally spoke.

"So what? You're not going to talk to me now?"

Tae turned around and looked at Jungkook. He looked sad, but a little annoyed. Tae crossed his arms and leaned against the counter.

"Kook, I just need space."

"Space for what? I'm your fucking boyfriend Tae! You're supposed to talk to me!", Jungkook stood up and walked over to Tae.

Tae rolled his eyes, "Jungkook. Stop, you're just making me feel worse."

"Oh, worse? Wow. I was feeling bad too ya know? I slept with Hobi because I wanted company. I wanted the one I love to sleep with, but I had to sleep with that horse, who moves too damn much. Bogum is gone Tae! No one can change that. You're just gong to have to accept it! I-"

Jungkook didn't get to finish when Tae poured his bowl of cereal on his head.

Jungkook knew he went to far, but he was just upset that Tae was beating himself up about Bogum.

"Yeah, you're my boyfriend. You're supposed to be the one who cares for me the most. You're supposed to be the one who has the most patience for me. You're supposed to be the one who gives me my space when I need it. But it likes like you're not doing it so I don't know what you are to me Jeon."

"Tae, I'm sorry. I'm just-"

"I know you're upset. Ok? I am too. Fuck, one of my closest friends killed themselves because of me! I could have stopped it. I could have done anything. But I didn't. And it's my fault. I'm going in my room. Tell the others to call me when we're ready to leave."

Tae left the kitchen and went upstairs to his room. Not without slamming the door.

Jungkook was standing there, milk and cereal going down his face and brand new shirt.

He sighed and walked back in his room to change. He got in the bathroom and wiped his face with a towel, and took off his shirt. His abs on full on display.

Jimin walked in his room, already dressed.

"Good morning Kook."


Jungkook walked out of his bathroom, still with no shirt on. He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through his locks.

"Ok, but if Yoongi walks in here, you better explain why you have no shirt on because I ain't finna get punished tonight."

"I don't want you like that Jimin. So I'm pretty sure you're good."

He rolled his eyes and asked, "You talked to Tae yet?"

Jimin saw how Jungkook tensed to the question.


"Okkkk, what happened? Was he still upset?"

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