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3rd Person P.O.V

Jimin woke up, praying that today would be better.

He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

Jimin has not been very joyful. He looked at himself in the mirror and didn't like how he looked, or what he wore.

But he tried his best to get rid of the negative thoughts roaming around in his head.

He heard dishes clacking together, and he heard talking downstairs.

He knew that they were eating breakfast and usually Jin would come get them up if they were still sleeping, but he didn't do it this time.

I lost my appetite anyway.

He started to get annoyed that they were treating him like this.

If only they knew how he was saving them.

Jimin got dressed and put on his shoes.

Grabbing his bag, he walked downstairs.

"Oh, Jimin, I-", Jin started.

"I'm walking.", Jimin said, ignoring Jin's words, and walked out of the house, not forgetting to slam the door.

Jungkook scoffed and said, "Why is he so mad? He's the one that-"

Tae slammed his hand on the table and glared at Jungkook.

"Stop being a dick. None of us know what's going on with him. So leave him alone and start acting fucking mature."

"I'm not acting like a dick. It's the truth. And you're right, we don't know what's going on with him, but he didn't have to hurt Yoongi like that. There's always another way. Always."

Tae couldn't help but agree with that but he still fought back.

"I get that. Yoongi is hurting. But I'm sure Jimin is too."

"He's perfectly fine.", Yoongi mumbled.

"You don't know that!", Tae shouted at Yoongi.

"Do you?!", Yoongi yelled back and stood up, walking to Tae.

"Do you fucking know if he's not making some trap for you to be sorry for him? Huh?! He is having fun fucking with Lucas. And he's not a hoe, right? Oh, yeah, sure. You're always fucking protecting him and shit when he's not the victim here."

Tae stood up to Yoongi, "I don't think you're the victim either. And if you call Jimin a hoe again, I won't hesitate to beat your ass."

"Oh, fuck off Tae. Jimin is fine. I mean, if he's fucking with all of these other boys, he must be having the time of his life. He. Is. A. Hoe.", Yoongi said, not caring about Jimin or Tae.

Tae got angry and started to slap Yoongi but Hobi stopped him.

"Stop. Both of you!", he said and let go of Tae.

"You're such a bitch.", Tae hissed and turned to the rest of the boys.

"So is this brotherhood? Turning on each other? Are we all just turning on Jimin, now? Do you all agree with those two?", Tae said, talking about Jungkook and Yoongi.

"We all love Jimin. We're not turning on him. We're just disappointed in his actions. We're not trying to hurt him.", Namjoon pointed out to him.

"Whatever.", Tae said and sat back down.

Jungkook sighed and scooted closer to his boyfriend.

"Hey, I'm sorry. But Yoongi is going through a lot of shit right now. And I get upset easily with this type of stuff.", he said quietly to Tae.

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