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I know last chapter was bad. I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood when I was writing it. I'll do better :)

3rd Person P.O.V

Tae and Jungkook have been in the bathroom for 30 mins now, just hugging each other.

Tae finally pulled away and said, "I should go to P.E before we get in trouble."

Jungkook nodded and took Tae's hand to lead them to their P.E class.

But everything was just going to get worse.


Jungkook did not take P.E with Jungkook, but he had it with Jimin and Hobi.

"Tae, are you ok?", Jimin ran up to Tae and inspected him to make sure he wasn't hurt.


"Jimin park, report to the front office."

Jimin rolled his eyes and said, "I have to go, but I'll be back!"

Jimin ran out of the gym and Tae was there, alone.

The coach said that there was a choice of going outside or staying in the gym.

Hobi went outside with Jisoo, and Tae didn't want to be a bother to them, so he stayed inside.

But, later he would find out, that was a bad decision.

Tae was sitting in the bleachers when two jocks walked up to him.

"Look here, it's the fag."

Tae sighed and said, "Leave me alone."

"Aw, now why should we do that? Your little boyfriends are not here to protect you huh?", the boy with blonde hair started to snicker.

"What the fuck do you want dumb asses?", Tae said, kind of feeling scared, but he didn't want to let it show.

"I would speak nice if I were you. And we're just going to teach you a little lesson.", the black haired boy said and cracked his knuckles.

Before the boys could do anything, Tae kicked them both in their crotches and ran to the bathroom. The coach was nowhere to be seen.

"Fuck, fuck fuck!", Tae said and pulled his hair.

He went go hide in one of the showers and covered his mouth, so the boys couldn't hear him.

"You're gonna regret that fag."

Tae could hear their footsteps coming closer. He prayed that someone would come save him. Anyone.

Where are you Chim?., Tae thought.

His thoughts were interrupted when the boys moved the curtain over and smirked.

"Aw, he's shaking. It's ok baby boy. We'll make you feel better."

Tae couldn't scream when the blonde haired boy put his hand over Tae's mouth, muffling Tae's shouts. The other boy was pulling down Tae's pants, and pulled down his own.

"N-no! Please! Stop!", Tae managed to get out.

Tae was kicking and screaming, trying to get away from the boys, but they were stronger than him.

The blonde haired boy punched Tae in his hide, causing Tae to scream and let his tears fall.

Everything was painful. The black haired boy was thrusting into him, raping him, while the blonde haired boy was holding him down.

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