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3rd Person P.O.V

"I don't like him.", Jungkook mumbled, but everyone heard him.

The 6 boys were sitting in the room, watching T.V, when they heard Kook.

Jimin was upstairs waiting for Lucas to get there.

"Who?", Tae asked and sat by Jungkook on the couch.

"You know who.", Jungkook shot back.

"He's just a friend dude.", Hobi said.

"Plus, we don't even know if he's gay.", Jin added.

Yoongi scoffed and said, "The dude's gay. Or at least bi."

"Well, I don't want you talking to him. I said that and you didn't listen the first time.", Jungkook looked at Tae.

Tae rolled his eyes, "He's a friend. God, you're acting like a dad now."

"Well, I am your daddy.", Jungkook scooted towards Tae and held his thighs.

Tae gulped and stared at Jungkook, as he was doing the same.

"Ew, if you wanna have jealous sex, go do it already. In your room.", Namjoon made a disgusted face.

They were interrupted by a door bell.

Before Jin could get up, Jimin came running down the stairs, causing everyone to stare at him.

Jimin opened the door and showed Lucas his bright smile.

"Hey Lucas!", Jimin hugged him, causing Yoongi to clench his fists.

"Hey, ChimChim!"

What the fuck? ChimChim?, Yoongi thought and glared at the boy.

Jimin grabbed Lucas's hand and pulled him inside.

"Hey Tae.", Lucas waved at him.

Tae smiled and waved back.

"Hey Lucas."

"Hey you guys. I hope I won't cause trouble.", Lucas laughed and looked at all of the boys.

"Of course you won't.", Jin said.

"We're going to go work guys. We'll be in my room.", Jimin said and pulled Lucas upstairs.

Tae started to go after Jimin but Jungkook pulled him back down and wrapped his arm around Tae's waist.

"What? Jungkook-"

"If you go..."

Jungkook whispered into Tae's ear, causing Tae to widen his eyes and stop squirming.

Jungkook smirked, confident.

"Yoongi, chill.", Jin said, eyeing him.

"I hate that fucking dude.", he said and leaned back into the sofa.

"Yeah, yeah. We get it.", Hobi said and continued to watch T.V.


1 and 30 minutes later.....

"I think we're finally finished.", Lucas said and pushed his books off to the side.

Jimin nodded and did the same.

"So, what now?", Jimin said and sat in front of Lucas on the bed.

"Well, tell me more about you.", Lucas said and stared into Jimin's eyes.

Jimin chuckled and said, "Wellll, I'm 18 years old. I am a nice person until someone pisses me the fuck off. I beat Lisa in the cafeteria and like everyone saw it. I don't like being called a hoe."

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