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3rd Person P.O.V

"Guys, there's a bonfire tonight. No drinking. Well, not a lot. It's not really a party. But, all of the seniors are getting together to share our moments together.", Namjoon announced as they got to school.

They all nodded, but soon glared at a boy when he walked up to Jimin.

"Hey. You left me last night.", Lucas told Jimin.

"Oh, really? You were sucking a girl's face off. I told you, I didn't care if you came anyway."

They were all shocked at Jimin's words but kept on listening to the conversation.

"Watch your mouth-"

"I don't have to do shit coming from you. So, leave me the fuck alone.", Jimin gained his confidence.

Yoongi's father wanted him to break up with Yoongi. But, he is still broken up with Yoongi. So, why did he have to date Lucas?"

"We need to talk.", Lucas growled and pulled Jimin.

"Let me go!", he tried to get away from him.

"Hey! He doesn't want to go with you right now. Leave him alone.", Jin defended Jimin.

Lucas scoffed and let go of Jimin.

He whispered, "You really want to play this game? So be it."

Lucas walked off and went into his class.

"He cheated on you?"

"Um...yeah! Yeah! He cheated on me and I'm really upset."

"Oh, that was why you blew up like that this morning?", Namjoon asked.

"Erm, yes!"

"You don't have to hide anything from us. We're your family.", Tae went go hug Jimin from the side.

"I know."

I have to hide this because you're my family.


"So, what is your mom like?", Tae asked Kook as they were on their break.

The both of them were on the rooftop with Jungkook's arm around Tae's shoulder, and Tae leaning onto him.

"Jin told you. Remember?"

"Yeah, coconut. I want to hear it from you."

He sighed, "Well, she wouldn't like us being together. If she ever found out about us, she would make me move and start my company or take over hers. That's why I don't speak to her much. She doesn't support gays and she either wants it her way or no way. After high school is finished, I don't know what she's planning to do. I know I should just do what I want to do, but she's my mom. And she's really powerful."

Tae took all of this in and pulled away from him.

He had a sad look on his face, so Jungkook pulled him onto his lap.

"Kookie, she's going to take you away from us. You can't let her."

His hand passed over Tae's cheek.

"Baby, I will try. Please don't get upset now."

"If she tries to take you from me, it's on sight."

Jungkook laughed, showing his cute bunny teeth.

"How did you get into this house?", Tae asked, randomly.

"My dad was a dick. He just used my mom for money and didn't give a shit about me. Eventually, he ran off with another chick. So, it was just me and my mom. She took care of me, but she was so strict. She said she was preparing me for when I get older. But, then I started to find out that I don't just like girls. I like boys too. I wanted motherly support so I told her about it. She got all worked up and hit me. She never hit me before and I never would have even guessed she would do that. But she did. After that day, she would constantly bully me, saying that I'll never be successful if I love boys. I was always mad and I became a bully. But, when I was a sophmore, I became friends with Namjoon hyung. He was the one who got me to stop bullying. But then I turned him into a bully. But, he let me into the house. Along with Yoongi and Jin hyung."

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