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Yoongi P.O.V

Last night, I was fucking mad. Like, Jimin is going to ignore me. Tae probably already knows what happened and will fucking threaten me like I give two stoned fucks. And, everyone in this damn house is asking us questions.

It's the weekend, so maybe I get to talk to Jimin and make everything right between us. If I have to kiss him to make him forgive me, then so be it.

I'm lying in my bed and I can't get him out of my head. Like, he is just stalking my brain bro.

I groan and lazily got out of bed. I put on some comfy clothes and made my way to Jimin's room.

I opened the door and found Jimin...and TAE? They're wide awake.

Great. Now I have to deal with both of them fussing at me.

Tae was glaring at me and Jimin looked at me, but then looked down at his lap.

Dammit, stop ignoring me Jimin.

"I'm sorry Yoongi. I'm not available.", Tae stood up and stood in front of Jimin.

I rolled my eyes, "Good for you, but I'm not here for you Tae."

"Well, Jimin isn't available either dick head."

I rolled my eyes and dialed Kook's number.


"What's up hyung?"

"Tae is super sick and he said he wants you to take care of him. He also said if you don't come, then he's gonna call Bogum"


"Ha! He's-"

Jungkook slammed the door open and he was panting.

Yoongi smirked and moved Tae towards Jungkook.

"I'm- I'm not sick K-"

"No. Don't talk. Let's go to my room and I'll take care of you."

"What? No-"

Jungkook interrupted and picked Tae up bridal style, and took him away to his room.

"ARG YOONGI!! I FUCKING HATE YOU! LEAVE JIMIN ALONE!", Tae shouted from behind the door.

Yoongi smirked again and went go close the door.

Just us Jiminie.

Jimin rolled his eyes at me and continued to watch T.V, ignoring me in the process.

"Jimin. Please talk to me."

Jimin got up and walked to me.



Jimin P.O.V

Yoongi's cheek was red and I could tell he was angry. But I was angrier.

"You wanna fucking talk to me? Just yesterday you wanted nothing to do with me and now you wanna talk? I wanted to talk to you yesterday! But, no, it's never about how Jimin feels. No one fucking cares about Jimin."

Yoongi walked closer to me, pushing me against the wall. I gulped.

He slammed his hand on the side of my head and I flinched.

"Jimin. I'm going to give you a warning. Don't ever slap me again."

"Or what?"

"You don't wanna know sweetie. And we all care about you. Me the most."

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