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"Lisa.....I think this is a bad idea."

"Shut up Bogum and trust me. All you have to do is make it seem like Tae is cheating on my Kookie."

"But I really like Tae. He won't talk to me ever again if I do this."

"Does it look like I care? You wouldn't have had a chance with him anyway. Do you really want my dad to make your life miserable?"

"No! I'll.....I'll do it."

Lisa crossed her arms, "Good."


Back at the Bangtan House, 3rd person P.O.V

"So I'm still trying to figure out why ain't none of you hoez saved me some food.", Jin said while glaring at Yoonmin and Taekook.

"Bitch, I was just supposed to cook for me and Tae. But then, these bitches came out of the womb and just insisted on eating with us.", Jimin responded.

Jin bent down, took off his shoe, and threw it at Jimin.

"OWW!", Jimin yelled, rubbing his head.

"Oh my gosh, Jin calm the fuck down. It's just fucking food.", Namjoon said coming down the stairs.

"And don't we eat food to survive? Oh ight.", Jin replied and went to his boyfriend to hug him.

"Awwww, Chim. Are you ok? I'm sure Yoongi would love to kiss it better.", Tae said.

Jimin stuck the bird at him and Tae started laughing.

"Bet.", Yoongi shrugged, walked up to Jimin, and kissed his head.

Jimin was frozen, Jungkook was still eating like nothing happened, Tae was shocked with his mouth hanging open, and the Namjin couple was just staring at Jimin to see his reaction.

Jimin put his head down to hide the blushing.

"Oh my god. I did not want to see that. My poor eyessss!", Hobi exclaimed as he was coming down the stairs.

"Aw my poor child.", Jin ran to Hobi and hugged him, being dramatic.

"Oh, shut up ding dongs.", Yoongi said and sat back down in his chair.

"Ding donggggg", Jungkook said in a weird voice, causing everyone to look at him.

Tae bust out laughing, and so did everyone else.

"Ok, so like, I'm tired.", Tae yawned and said.

"Ok, well come on. I'll put you in bed.", Jungkook suggested and took Taehyung's hand.

"O-ok.", Tae stuttered and followed him.

"Sleep tight. Don't let me hear moaning!", Namjoon yelled at Tae.

"Jimin, can you sleep with me tonight?"

Jimin looked at Yoongi to see if he was serious and he was.

"Oh umm, sure."

Yoongi looked happy with his reply, and grabbed Jimin's hand.

Namjin and Hobi all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Why the fuck am I the only single one?", Hobi whined.

"Because you look like a horse!!!!", Yoongi yelled at the top of the stairs.

"Shut up Yoongay! Hobi is a perfect ball of sunshine.", Jin yelled at Yoongi and hugged Hope.

Hobi smiled and headed off to bed. Namjin went in their shared room and went to sleep.

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