New Kid

385 20 7

3rd Person P.O.V

"Wake yo asses up!!", Jin yelled down the hall, causing all of the boys to groan and fall out of their beds.

It was Monday, and the boys had exactly one week left of school. Usually seniors were ready to leave the school, but not them. They didn't want to leave each other.

"Come on Kook. We gotta get dressed.", Tae said yawning.

"Kook?", Tae asked, still noticing he was snoring.

"Jungkook!", Tae yelled, causing Kook to abruptly sit up, and glare at Tae.

"What? You weren't waking up.", Tae said smiling.

"Well, I was fucking enjoying my beauty rest!", he whined.

"Too bad. Get dressed.", Tae said and went into his closet.

"Fine. Be right back.", Jungkook said and went into his room to get some clothes.

When he came back, he saw Tae fully dressed, his hair done, and his things ready.

"I don't want you to take over your mom's company.", Tae mumbled, but Jungkook heard him.

"I have to Tae."

"No. You're going to be an adult. You should do what you wanna do."

"I can't let her down Tae. She may be a pain in the ass, but she's still my mom."

Tae sighed and nodded sadly.

"Let's go downstairs.", Jungkook said and kissed Tae's cheek.


"Did we have homework to do on the weekend?", Hobi asked, while everyone was eating their breakfast Jin cooked.

"Yeah.", Yoongi said, teasing him.

"What?! I didn't do it! Oh my god!"

"Dude, I was kidding."

Hobi threw his napkin at Yoongi and glared at him, while the others laughed.

Jimin's phone started ringing, and it was Kai, his ex..

He rolled his eyes and answered the call, and everyone listened.

"What ass crack?", Jimin asked, annoyed.

"Hey baby."

"I'm not your baby. What do you want?"

"I want you to be mine again. Yoongi isn't enough for you."

"What are you blabbering about now Kai?"

"I see him talking to all kinds of girls at school. He's going to cheat on you and leave you Jiminie. But I would never do that."

Jimin looked at Yoongi and looked away.

"Kai, I'll never believe you. Ok? Leave me alone."

"Fine, but see for yourself at school. Jiminie, I'm just warning you. He's going to get married with a girl and have kids with her. He will leave you. I'm just telling you."

Jimin didn't know what to say. Kai was getting into his head and he didn't like it.

What if he does leave me?

Jimin shook his head and said, "Whatever. Bye."

Jimin hung up the call and continued to eat his food.

"Who was that Chim?", Tae asked curiously, noticing how his best friend got annoyed.


"What did he want?", Jungkook asked.

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