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Kook P.O.V

"Jin! Jin!", Jungkook yelled, panting, chasing after Jin.

Jin may be old, but damn, he sure is fast.

"What?", Jin asked, like he has been oblivious to the fact that I had been yelling his name.

"You didn't fucking hear me?". I said, annoyed.

"Oh, I did. I just wanted to enjoy ignoring you and I love seeing you get annoyed."

"Fuck you."

"That's Namjoon's job.", Jin winked.

"Gross. And what happened with Lisa? Why were you attacking her? And how do you know what happened with Tae?"

"Oh, hun. I find out everything. And I've been wanting to say that to Lisa for a while now. Tae and Jimin told me how you both were being dicks to them. Like really? Yoongi and Jimin are a whole different story, but you and Tae? Kook, you don't even know if you're gay! What the hell? And you're getting mad at Tae because you don't know how you fucking feel?", Jin was glaring at him.

"Ok ok. It's always our fault. But me and Tae don't fuck with each other like that anymore. And, I don't know what's going on with Yoongi and Jimin, and I really don't care. I'm going to talk to Yoongi. Maybe he'll give me advice, instead of an old man scolding me.", I stuck my tongue out at him and went go find my hyung.

"That's why Tae doesn't want you now you big muscle pig!", Jin yelled out.

When I went go find Yoongi, he was making out with some girl named, Jennie.


Yoongi rolled his eyes and pushed the girl away, "What Kook? You see I'm busy."

"Well, we need to have a conversation. Like now. Tell the girl you'll fuck her later."

Yoongi glared at me, grabbed the girl by her hair, and whispered something in her ear.

She nodded, fixed her shirt, and went into her class.

"Let's go outside.", I told him and we went out under the tree.

"Ok. Talk.", Yoongi said. Yoongi has been being such a grumpy grandpa lately, and he's been fucking a lot of girls like every night. I assumed it was because of Jimin.

"So Tae hates me. Jin hates me. Jimin hates me. Is it just hate Jungkook day or something?", When I mentioned Jimin's name, he tensed up.

"Ok, and?"

"Let me fucking finish, dang. Anyway, Tae wants nothing to do with me. Him and Jimin told Jin how we were being dicks and shit. Now, Jin flashed at Lisa so she's probably mad at me for not defending her enough. This whole week has been fucked up! I tried hyung. I did. But Tae didn't want to talk to me so I jut let him hate me and I've been acting cold towards him, so he rushed out the class and probably went go cry. I'm such a fuck up. I can never do anything right!"

Yoongi nodded and took out a cigarrete. He pulled out his lighter and lit it. He handed me one and we started to smoke.

"So, Kook, how do you feel?"

"Great. I-"

"Not about smoking Pabo. About Tae."

"Oh. Well, I don't know.", I said, but Yoongi knew I was lying. We were close like that."

"Tell me the truth."

"Fine. Well, I think I've gotten feelings towards him. But, I just can't accept being gay. I feel like that's beneath me. Plus, what if people find out? What if they find out I like a nerd?"

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