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Jimin P.O.V

"What to wearrrrrr?", Jimin was looking through out his closet and couldn't find any clothes to wear to the mall.

"Ughhhhhh! TAEEEEE!", Jimin slammed his closet door and yelled Tae's name.

Tae walked in, hands on hips, and was glaring at me.
Damn Tae
"Damn Tae. Who are you looking good for?"

Tae started laughing and then asked, "Why you screamed my name hoe? I was doing my hair!""Bitch, you're Tae

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Tae started laughing and then asked, "Why you screamed my name hoe? I was doing my hair!"
"Bitch, you're Tae. You don't needa do ya hair. And I need help on finding something to wearrr."
"Oh my jeon....we're going to the mall. Not the strip club.", Tae facepalmed himself.
"And what about it? I wanna look like a bad bitch walking in the mall. The fuck? Now help me find something!"
Tae sighed and walked in my closet. It took 10 mins for him to throw half of my clothes on the floor, and try different clothes on me.
"You're right. You do need more clothes."
I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot impatiently.
"But I found an outfit!! Here put it on!"
Tae threw me the outfit and I showed my middle finger to him.
I put on the clothes and looked in the mirror.

I put on the clothes and looked in the mirror

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Oop I actually look hot. Yeahhhh babyyyy
I walked out the bathroom and found Tae sitting on my bed, typing on his phone. He looked up at me and started to clap.
Seal headass
"See? You look sexy hoe. Now let me go finish getting ready and call Yoongiiiii if you need help!", Tae ran out the room.
"Ugh shut up whore!"
I was putting on my shoes when Yoongi walked in.
"Hey.", Yoongi said and leaned against the door frame.
"You look hot."
"Thanks. You too.", I put my head down and started to fiddle with my fingers nervously.
"Wanna go wait in the car? Jin and Namjoon already left to the fair and Kook and Tae are almost done."
"Ok hold up! I have a question about them."
"Shoot Chim."
I blushed at the nickname and said, "Are they dating?"
"Kook and Tae."
Yoongi laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.
I threw my pillow at him.
"Yah! I'm sorry but Kook isn't gay.", Yoongi started wiping tears.
"Pfft. That's like you saying you aren't gay for me.", I said, gaining my confidence back.
"Jimin, he is straight. And if I'm being real, I think him and Tae are getting to close with each other."
I scoffed, "what?"
"I'm serious. Tae is eventually going to get hurt and it will ruin everything."
"Tae isn't going to get hurt and I'm telling you, Kook ain't straight. And that's facts boo. Periodt!", I snapped my fingers.
Yoongi sighed and shook his head, "Ok. Believe what you want. I'm going on the car."
"Aight. I'm going to get Kook and Tae. Wait, I'll call them Taekook! Yassss I ship it!", I clapped my hands.

Tae P.O.V

I decided to go to Kook's room. I wanted to see what he was wearing, and maybe even talk to him before we leave.
I walked in his room and his outfit literally was the death of me.

I walked in his room and his outfit literally was the death of me

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Kook turned around and saw me walk in.
He smirked and said, "Like what ya see?"
"Shut up cock head. Are you finished getting ready?"
"Yeah. And I like that outfit on you."
"I know. I'm Tae, duh."
Look laughed and an awkward silence went by.
Kook was staring at me, and I was avoiding eye contact.
He then walked up to me and his arms circled my waist.
"Kook....what are you doing?"
He didn't answer and continued to stare at me.
I couldn't take the waiting anymore.
"So are you going to do something or keep staring at me?", I teased him.
I yelped as Kook pulled me in his lap, and sat down on the bed.
I was on top of him as he was sitting up on the bed, and I cuffed his cheeks.
"You're beautiful.", he mumbled and closed the gap between us, by kissing me.
I kissed him back and my palms rested on his shoulders.
We were soon interrupted when Jimin slammed the door open and walked in.
"We finna leave-, oh my god...", Jimin said and gasped.
I hurried up and got off of Kook and stood, with my head looking at the carpet floor.
"No! Jimin, you saw nothing!", Kook said and stood up, standing next to me.
Jimin crossed his arms, "What the fuck do you mean? I saw Tae on your lap, and you two kissing. I'm pretty sure that's not nothing."
"Chim please! You can't tell anyone.", I pleaded.
"And why not?"
"I'm not gay and if people find out that-"
"Cut the crap Jeon. We all know that you are not gay. And why are you worried about what people will think of you. Almost everyone in our fucking school is gay, including me.", Jimin said, annoyed.
"Tae shut up. Go in the car with Yoongi. I need to have a talk with Jeon."
"Ok, ok.", Tae put his hands up in surrender and walked out of the room.
Kook P.O.V

"You like Tae? Or are you just playing with him?"
"Jimin, I am not gay."
"That's not what I asked. Jungkook"
I gulped and nervously looked down.
"So you do like him."
"No! We are just messing around. Friends with benefits, right?"
"Not fucking right! I can tell Tae likes you by the way his eyes light up when your name pops up. I can tell you like him by the way you protect him and hug him. You changed Kook. You know why? It's because of Tae. And you know it."
There was silence.
Maybe I do like him.
"I just can't let anyone think I'm gay. And I have a thing going on with Lisa. I don't like Tae and he doesn't like me. He's not my type anyway and I'm not gay, for the 100th fucking time! Plus, I don't like people thinking I'm a faggot."
"You're such a dick. Tae doesn't deserve you."
I'm sorry Tae. I don't know why I said that.
"I thought you would understand him Kook. But you're just using him to pleasure yourself. You're lucky Tae isn't listening to you right now."

But little did they know, Tae was standing right outside the door, with tears streaming down his face.

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