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3rd Person P.O.V

Jimin's heart was telling him to run back to Yoongi. To explain everything and jump back in his warm embrace. But his mind won't let him stop thinking about what Tae said.

Maybe he should let go of Yoongi. Maybe he should just move on.

Jimin made it to Taemin's house, and was shaking.

Everything felt wrong, but he ignored it.

He hesitantly knocked on Taemin's door.

Taemin showed up and smirked. He opened the door wide for Jimin to come in.

Jimin rolled his eyes and walked in.

"Soooo.", Taemin said walking closer to Jimin.

"What are you trying to do Taemin?", Jimin said and crossed his arms.

"Jiminieeeee, didn't I tell you? Yoongi is not good for you baby.", he stalked even closer to Jimin.

"Don't call me baby.", Jimin moved backwards even more.

"Yoongi left you, am I wrong?"

Jimin put his head down, not wanting to answer the question.

"See Jimin? I wouldn't leave you like this. I would cherish you, and trust you. Like a real boyfriend would. I like you Jimin, a lot. I'm sorry if I've been cocky or rude, but I just wanted you to see how much I want you to be mine."

Jimin turned his head to the side and exhaled slowly.

Taemin walked behind Jimin and back hugged him.

"You deserve someone who will hold you like I do. You deserve someone-"

Taemin kissed Jimin passionately.

"that kisses you like I do. You deserve someone who-"

He sucked on Jimin's neck and left a hickey, causing Jimin to moan.

"makes you feel good like I do. You deserve all of it. Please give me a chance Chim."

Jimin turned around and faced Taemin.

Jimin smiled and said, "Ok."

Taemin jumped happily and picked Jimin up to spin him around.

Jimin started laughing and he kissed Taemin.

"I'll treat you right Jimin. I promise. And I won't let anyone hurt you."

They went in Taemin's bed, and they started cuddling.

And cuddling turned into something more.....


"Ok hyung. Nice and steady."

Jungkook was carrying Yoongi to a hotel and Yoongi's hand was around Kook's shoulder as Jungkook sat him on the bed.

Jungkook found Yoongi in the bed with a girl and Jungkook already knew Yoongi banged her.

"I fucking love him Kook!", Yoongi slurred.

"I know hyung."

"Why did he have to go to that fucker?! Why! I love him! Doesn't he love me?"

"He does hyung. But let's get some sleep man."

"Fuck sleep. I want Jimin."

"Hyung. Go to bed. You broke up with him. We have school tomorrow."

Yoongi groaned and went in the other bed, and before you know it, he was snoring.

"Goodnight hyung."

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