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I couldn't think of a name for this chapter. Don't bully me🤪.

But he wouldn't let his mom stop his love for Tae.

Even if it kills him.

"Dinner!", Jin yelled from downstairs, as Jungkook was holding Tae in his embrace.

Jungkook started to pull away, but Tae didn't let go.

"No...", Tae mumbled into his chest.

"We have to eat. Come on."

Tae finally pulled away and walked with Jungkook down the stairs.

Everyone sat at the table and ate Jin's delicious cooking.

"Ok, so I want all of you to tell the person next to you what you love about them. And we're not eating until we do so.", Jin told the boys.

This is how they were sitting

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This is how they were sitting.

"I'll go first.", Namjoon offered, since Jin was sitting next to him.

Namjoon turned to Jin.

"I love how you care for everyone so much. I love your beauty and I love how you always be yourself. I love how out of all people, you chose me."

Jin teared up and he pulled Namjoon, kissing him on the lips.

"Aww.", Jimin cooed.

"Next.", Yoongi said, bored.

Jin turned to Hobi, "I love how cheerful you are. I love how you help everyone and I admire your love for everybody."

Hobi smiled at him, and then turned to Yoongi.

"Yoongi, even though you act like Satan's son, I love how you are so passionate and you cherish the ones you love. I love your little gummy smile, too."

Yoongi smiled at Hobi, and even chuckled.

"Woah! Yoongi just smiled?!", Tae exclaimed.

Yoongi changed his expression quick and threatened to throw his knife at Tae.

Everyone was waiting for what Yoongi would say to Jimin, since they haven't really had a nice conversation ever since Yoongi saw Jimin kissing Lucas.

Jimin looked at Yoongi and tried not to freak out.

Yoongi smiled sadly and told Jimin, "I love everything about you, Jimin. Your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your body. All of it. I love how you loved me so much. Or maybe it was fake. I don't know. But it seemed real. But, whatever."

Everyone looked at Jimin to see what he was going to say.

"Yoongi, I-", Jimin was about to risk everything by telling him the truth, but he stopped himself.

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