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Tae P.O.V

As I was talking to Jimin, I saw someone passing by the room, but I ignored it.

We have to go to school, and does it look like I feel like going? Not really.

"Hey bitch. Don't I look hot?"

"Jimin, you always look hot so why are you asking me?""Damn

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"Jimin, you always look hot so why are you asking me?"
"Damn. What's got your panties in a twist?", he sat by me on my bed.
"Nothing. Just tired."
Tired of fucking Jungkook
"Hm. Ok, well let me pick out your clothes!!", he jumped up but I pulled him back.
"No hoe. Last time you picked my clothes, some old dudes and some boys from school were following me around everywhere!"
Jimin winked at me, "I thought you liked older men?"
I threw my pillow at his head and he started laughing. I told him to get out so I can change.

I went in my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror

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I went in my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

Ugh, why do I always look so ugly? I can never look right.

"You look smexy! Come on before we're late."

Me and Jimin walked downstairs to find everyone staring at us.

"WAIT SO ALL 4 OF YOU ARE GAY??", Hoseok yelled.\

"What the fuck?", Jimin said back.

"Excuse me dick asses, why are they calling us gay?", I asked, glaring at Yoongi and Kook.

"Chill the fuck out. We're not dating and it just slipped out. you both don't care, right?", Jungkook stared at us with a blank expression.

I care, I care a lot.

"No. But, you shouldn't go around being messy. Whatever, me and Tae are leaving. Hope you all choke on a dick.", Jimin smiled, not so nicely.

"Your walking?", Jungkook and Yoongi asked me and Jimin at the same time. But Kook was looking at me, while Yoongs was looking at Jimin.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"No. We're driving you both, and end of discussion. Come on. Kook, get your shit and let's roll."

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