Last day

289 14 8

3rd Person P.O.V

Today is the last day of high school.

People were going their separate ways.

At school, students just got to talk and hang out.

Teachers were even letting their kids go out of their classes.

Jennie walked into the classroom and sat by Jimin.

"What Jennie?"

"You said you were going to help me with Yoongi."

"Oh, yeah."

"Ok, so what do I do?"

"Talk to him."

"What? But-"

"Jennie, you need to show him and tell him why you like him. Convince him to be your boyfriend. It's not hard."

"But can you talk to him too?"

"Yeah, yeah. Bye."

Jennie squealed and got up, leaving the classroom.

Jimin already regretted telling Jennie that he will help her get with Yoongi.

But, he'll do what he has to do to keep his family happy.

"Let's have sex.", Lucas whispered into Jimin's ear, as Jimin made a disgusted face.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you dick is really short? Well, it is. And we're not some couple anymore. I am not your friend and I don't like you."


"It's the last day of school. I did everything his father wanted me to do. I'm not happy. I hurt Yoongi. I did my business. Now you need to do yours and leave me alone."

"You know you will go back to Yoongi as soon as school is over. I'm not stupid."

"You are stupid, actually. And, I was going to do that. But, Yoongi will never take me back. And we're leaving each other anyways. So tell your boss to leave me the fuck alone. I'll set Yoongi up with Jennie and then I'm done."

Lucas glared at Jimin and turned away, putting his head down on the table.

Jimin didn't want to talk to Yoongi, but he had to.

Jimin groaned and banged his head on the table.


"Yoongi, can I talk to you?"

Yoongi was getting stuff out of his locker since it was the last day, and Jimin stood behind the locker door.

Yoongi closed the locker and leaned against it.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about Jennie...", Jimin fidgeted with his jacket.

"Look, Jimin, I know you don't like her-"

"No! I was thinking that... you should date her."

Yoongi couldn't believe what he heard.

Jimin wanted him to move on?


"Because she is very nice. And she really likes you.... I think you two would be a great couple..", Jimin had to clench his fists to say this.



Yoongi sighed and shrugged, "Never really thought of it but ok."

Jimin gave a strained smile.

"I'll see you later.", Jimin croaked.

Yoongi nodded and walked away.

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