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3rd Person P.O.V

No, Tae. You can't just let this slide. You have to get up and let them know who Taehyung is., Tae thought to himself.

Tae yeeted away his tears and got up.

He inhaled deeply and let his shaky breath out.

One finally gaining his confidence, he opened the door and stormed to the kitchen.

He saw Jungkook hugging Jimin, and that really tugged Tae's strings.

As soon as Jungkook saw Taehyung, he let go of Jimin.

Jimin widened his eyes in fear, knowing he was going to be upset.

Tae had rage in his eyes and he walked up to Jimin.

All you see next is Tae's hand flying against Jimin's cheek.

Jimin gasped and touched his cheek.

He never thought Tae would hit him. Out of all people, especially not Tae.

"You fucking bitch!", Tae screamed and attacked Jimin.

Jimin yelped and defended himself, fighting back.

Jungkook was holding Tae back while the two were cursing at each other and hitting each other.

"Hey!", Namjoon exclaimed and ran down the stairs, along with the other 4 boys.

"What's going on?", Jin yelled and went go help Namjoon hold off Tae, while Yoongi and Hobi went go help hold off Jimin.

"Let go of my fucking hair Tae!", Jimin yelled, still hitting Tae, as Tae was grabbing his hair.

"Tae! Calm down!", Jungkook yelled, trying to hold down his boyfriend.

"You are a fucking hoe! I'll never fucking forgive you!", Tae yelled.

The others looked at each other confused, still holding the two, while Jungkook put his head down.

"Stop!", Yoongi yelled..

Jin had enough. He went go get a pan and a spoon, and hit the spoon repeatedly hit it against the pan.

He stood in the middle of Jimin and Tae, which caused them to stop attacking each other.

The others let out a relieved sigh and pulled back the two away from each other.

Hobi and Yoongi held Jimin's hands, making sure he wouldn't fight Tae again.

Jungkook and Namjoon were holding Tae, making sure he wouldn't attack Jimin again.

Jin stood, angrily, in the middle of the two, mad that they woke him up from his sleep.

"Someone tell me what the fuck is going on before I beat all 3 of your asses.", Jin said and looked at Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae.

"He fucking kissed my boyfriend!", Tae yelled.

They all looked at Jimin, and Jimin put his head down in guilt.

Then, they looked at Jungkook who kept his mouth shut, not wanting Tae to attack him.

"You were supposed to be my fucking best friend Jimin! What about having each other's backs? What about never hurting each other? Huh?", Tae yelled, not getting a response.

"I tried getting you to talk to me! I tried to get you to open up to me, but you go behind my back and plan to seduce Jungkook?", Tae asked, calming down. Now, he's getting shocked and sad that his own best friend would do this to him.

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