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3rd Person P.O.V

"Taemin!", Jungkook said, glaring at him. He was about 5 inches away from him.

"Oh, look guys. It's the dick who pounced on me at school."

"I would watch your words.", Jungkook growled.

"What do you want Jeon?"

"First you rape my boyfriend. Then, you beat him? Tsk, Tsk. You made some dumb decisions. Tae bin."

"It's Taemin. And, yeah, I fucked him good. Me and Jackson got in on it. Man, I would do it again if I had the chance."

Jungkook looked at Jackson and said, "You fucking did this shit too?"

Jackson gulped and nodded.

"Well, I'm finna beat both of your asses. And, if you boo boo the fools jump in, you're going to end up just like these two so I would watch it if I were you."

Taemin's other buddies backed up slowly, not wanting to get hit by Jeon Jungkook.

"Jeon, there's two of us. One of you.", Taemin laughed.

"Well, have you met me? I took 30 people in a fight and still beat all of their asses. I'm a Jeon. I don't lose. You messed with the wrong people."

Jungkook took a swing at Taemin and kicked Jackson in the gut.

When they both fell, Jungkook used his foot to hold it against Jackson's neck, while he beat the crap out of Taemin.

"Please....stop!", Taemin begged.

Jackson was currently choking and trying to catch his breath.

Jungkook punched Taemin in the face several times, causing some of his teeth to fall out, and his face had blood all over it.

He then punched Taemin in the gut several times, making the same marks he made on Taehyung.

Remembering his pocket knife, Jungkook took It out and pulled it across Taemin's leg, causing him to scream.

He repeatedly kept on punching him and beating him, when he passed out.

"Your turn.", Jungkook said to Jackson and Jackson was frightened.

Jungkook did the same things to Jackson, and Jackson ended up passing out too.

He then thought of an idea, just to have them feel what it feels like to get raped.

He went go grab two long sticks and pulled down the boys' pants.

He shoved the long sticks up both of their asses, causing them to wake up and scream.

Jungkook said, "Don't mess with me."

He left them there, scared, and blood everywhere.

They were in a corner somewhere so no one saw them.

Jungkook walked out with blood on his knuckles and sweat dripping down his face.

He found Tae, Yoongi, and Jimin, and walked to them.

"Are you ok Tae?", Jungkook asked him.

Tae was calmed down now, but when he saw Jungkook he yelled, "Jungkook? What did you do?!"

Yoongi smirked and said, "Beat the shit out of them. I should have came."

"I handled them. They'll know not to mess with us again."

"You can't do things like this Jeon."

"Well, when it comes to you, I'll do anything."

Tae smiled at Jungkook. But, he remembered their situation and cleared his throat.

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