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Be mine?

Jimin P.O.V

"What?", I asked, shocked that he was asking me this from everything that happened.

"I said, be mine."

"Is that a demand or a question?"

He sighed, "Look, I know that a lot of stuff happened, but you know how I feel about you."

"So, you're going to ask me out after you said you didn't like me at all, and expect me to say yes?"


I scoffed, "Yoongs-"

"Wait! Don't answer it yet. I'll give you some time. Ok? You don't have to answer right now."

I was actually scared he was going to hurt me again, but I didn't say. I nodded.

"Oh my God! Tae!", I quickly came to my senses, jumped off of Yoongi, and ran up to the rooftop.

"Jimin! Wait!", I heard Yoongi say. He was following me, running, but I just need to make sure Tae is okay.

I got there and busted open the door.

"Taehyung!", I gasped when I saw Jungkook holding Tae in his embrace.

"Jimin....I...told you.", Yoongi came and kneeled over, panting.

I ran up to Jungkook and pulled him off of Taehyung.

"Get off of him you dick!", I put Tae behind me, protecting him.


"I don't want to hear it! I almost lose my TaeTae! Again! I'm tired of losing people that I love. I'm....sick and tired..."

Tae hugged me and said, "Chim, it's ok. I'm here and I'll never leave you anymore. I promise. And, it's because of Lisa. Please forgive him Chim. Please."

I pursed my lips and said,"Ok. But Jungkook, if you ever hurt him-"

"We know.", Yoongi and Jungkook said together, rolling their eyes.

"Ya'll know we still gotta go to class.", Yoongi reminded us, not caring about the situation too much.


3rd person P.O.V

They finished their classes and were now at their house. Jungkook and Yoongi told Namjin and Hobi everything. It eventually leaded to Jin almost pouring boiling water on Kook's head, Hobi wrestling Yoongi, and Namjoon trying to call everybody down.

But, everyone calmed down and everyone was good.

Jimin was still deciding on what to do with Yoongi. Tae and Jungkook technically are not dating yet, but they know how each of them feel towards each other. The Namjin couple are, as always, problem-free. And Hobi is still talking to some girl. (Lol, I forgot her name and I'm the one that wrote it.)

Jimin and Tae are working on their project for English in Jimin's room, and Jungkook and Yoongi are in the living room, talking.

In Jimin's room.....

"So why the fuck do we have to do this project when no one gives a damn about Hitler and his square beard?", Jimin asked, annoyed.

Tae laughed and shook his head, "Shut up stoopid. You wanna pass right?"

Jimin shrugged but then stood up and said, "Go crazy, go stoopid! Alllaahhskankndlqnsk."

Tae and Jimin started laughing hard, like the good ole' days.

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