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3rd Person P.O.V

"Jimin, don't forget.", Yoongi reminded him as the boys got to school.

Jimin nodded, not feeling great about the whole thing.

The boys all split up and Jimin went into his science class.

Lucas immediately spotted Jimin and waved.

Jimin smiled back and went go sit next to him,

How could he be the bad guy?

There was a sub today, so the whole class just stayed talking.

"So..ummm, Lucas, I have a question.", Jimin said as he fidgeted with his shirt.

"Shoot.", Lucas said giving him is full attention.

"So...I know you live with your dad, but why did you come here last minute?", he asked, finally gaining the courage to look up at him.

Lucas started to panic in his mind.

Fuck, what do I say?

"Uhhh, well, dad...he.. got a job! Yeah, he got a job.", Lucas said and laughed nervously.

Jimin looked at him skeptically and said, "Ok. Um, why did you want to be my friend? And why are you trying to break me and Yoongi up?"

Fuck, he's finding out.

"Um, Jimin why are you asking me all of these questions? It's kind of making me uncomfortable?"

Jimin sighed, "I'm sorry, Lucas. Yoongi and Jungkook thought that you were working for Yoongi's dad to get me and Yoongi to break up."

Lucas widened his eyes.

That bitch. And fuck, I should have known those two were on me.

"Haha, that's crazy! I don't even know his father! Haha, that's crazy..", Lucas panicked.

Jimin nodded and gave out a relieved sigh.

"So, Jimin, you wanna come to my house today?", Lucas asked, hoping he would say yes.

"I don't know about that."

"Please? You get to meet my father and we can just hang out. You know?"

Jimin thought about it and responded, "Ok. Sure. I'll just ride home with you after school."

Lucas nodded in victory.

He's so easy to fool, Lucas smirked and thought.

When they were just sitting there in a awkward silence, Lucas saw Jimin shaking, so he thought of another idea to make Yoongi jealous.

He took off his hoodie and tapped Jimin's shoulder.

"Here. I know you're cold."

Jimin hesitantly grabbed the hoodie and said, "Aren't you cold?"

"Nah. Wear it."

Jimin shrugged and put on the big comfy hoodie.


"Yes, I heard they are dating!"

"He's wearing his hoodie. Duh, of course they're dating!"

"Aw, I wanted to ask him out."

"I didn't know he was gay."

"Jimin is such a hoe."

"Wasn't he dating Yoongi?"

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