I'm sorry

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All I felt next was his lips on mine.

Tae P.O.V

I gasped in surprise, but I kissed him back. It felt good. It was filled with passion and love, like the other night. I missed it, but I need to stop it.

I moved my lips from his and put my head down. Jungkook opened his eyes and stared at me.

"T-tae! I'm so sorry. I wa-"

"It's ok Kook. Thank you."

"Of course.", Kook showed me one of his smiles, and for once, I saw that is was a really loving smile.

"Did you mean what you just said?", I asked Kook.

"What do you mean?"

"That you love everything about me?"

"Yes Tae. I mean it."

"What about when you kissed me? Did you mean to do that?"

Kook was about to answer but looked like he remembered something, "I don't know. I'm not gay, Tae."

"Oh. o-ok" , I put my head down, kind of disappointed.

But then Jungkook came to me and hugged me. He hugged me like he never wanted to let go.

We stayed like this for a while, and I wasn't complaining.

Meanwhile, in the cafeteria.

Jimin P.O.V

I looked at Bogum in shock and saw him bleeding.

I started to run to follow Tae, but someone pulled me back.

"No! Stop, let me go! I need to check- I need to make sure he is ok, Yoongi.", I looked up at Yoongi with tears in my eyes. He was still holding my hand, and he wasn't looking like he was ready to let go.

"Come with me, Jimin."


"Just come on."

Yoongi pulled me to walk the stairs with him to the rooftop. No one was there, and it was just us, alone.

"Yoongi. I can't just leave him with Kook! What if he says something that-"

"That will what Jimin? Kook is not the fucking bad guy here!", Yoongi snapped at me.

"And Tae is? You have no idea what Tae has been through!", I screamed at him, still thinking about Tae and his self-harm.

"And you have no idea what Kook has been through!"

"Please. Tae fucking starves himself. He cuts his arms! I almost lost him.. I almost fucking lost him Yoongi! And you're telling me that Kook has been through worse? Please. You know why Tae is living with us? His dad fucking beat him! He told him that nobody loved him. And his mom ran away like a fucking pussy. He started to cut himself with a razor, and he was just....broken. He was so happy but all of that went away. We got closer and I made him happy again. I fixed him Yoongi! He didn't cut anymore, he was smiling and laughing, and he wasn't starving himself anymore! And then Kook says these things about him? I know he's trying to starve himself. I hope he isn't cutting. What if I can't fix him? What if he tries to jump off a building again? What if I can't save him? And Tae is the bad guy? You have it all fucking wrong! He has been through so much and he doesn't deserve this hate!", I screamed. I was sobbing and I just had to tell someone.

Yoongi P.O.V

I saw Jimin sobbing and I was frozen. I didn't know this all happened to Tae.

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